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You can visually tell if MembranePro™ particles formed via a pellet at the bottom of the tube following precipitation. You can also test the function of your MembranePro™ particles via receptor-ligand binding studies. 

While other expression vectors and promoters can be tested, we recommend using the pEF6 V5-His TOPO TA expression vector for optimal yields, as the performance of these kits has been optimized for use with this expression vector containing the EF-1α promoter. 

While other cell lines can be tested, we recommend using the supplied 293FT cells, as the performance of the kit has been optimized for use with this cell line (i.e., transfection efficiency). 

While other cell lines can be tested, we recommend using the Expi293F™ cells, as the performance of the kit has been optimized for use with this cell line (i.e., transfection efficiency using ExpiFectamine™ Transfection Reagent).