Gene Expression Solutions That Give You Extra Confidence

Tools that give you peace of mind from the start

TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays—get greater flexibility with formats that include TaqMan plates, array cards, and OpenArray panels

Applied Biosystems TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays achieve high-sensitivity and high-specificity microRNA quantification using qPCR. This solution provides a productive workflow (using a universal RT step) that is optimized for the analysis of multiple miRNA targets from challenging low-level RNA research samples in serum; plasma; formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue; and blood.

Learn more about TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays

Clariom Assays for fast transcriptome profiling—don’t let data analysis be your bottleneck

Take control of your RNA biomarker discovery projects with Applied Biosystems Clariom Assays. Free, fast, intuitive, and powerful analysis software designed for biologists—allowing you to gain insight into the transcriptome in just three days.

Learn more about Clariom Assays for fast transcriptome profiling

Seed your inspiration with genetic analysis webinars

Learn how genetic analysis techniques, including sequencing, NGS, microarrays, and quantitative and digital PCR, are being used by researchers to advance knowledge and innovations in challenging disease and research areas.

See our offering of Genetic Analysis Webinars

Generate superior Sanger sequencing data

Choosing the right workflow from the start is the key to success. Proven through decades of results, Sanger sequencing is the gold-standard, simple technology that allows you to:

  • Study diseases with clearly define phenotypes
  • Sequence 1–2 genes or up to 96 targets
  • Sequence 1–96 samples at a time without barcoding
  • Confirm next-generation sequencing (NGS) variants with up to 99.99% accuracy
  • Get longer read lengths (up to 1,000 bp)

For many applications, Sanger sequencing remains the technology of choice due to the simple workflow, quick turnaround time, and cost-effectiveness when running a limited number of samples. It is also an important confirmatory method for NGS results. However, poor quality data can result from not using th right products or the right protocol. Poor-quality data increases the rerun rate, which adds to the overall cost and turnaround time. We have developed a proven protocol that provides a simple and fast Sanger sequencing workflow that can be completed in less than one workday, from sample to answer. The protocol enables high-quality sequencing data using the Applied Biosystems BigDye Terminator v3.1 Kit or BigDye Direct Cycle Sequencing Kit.

Download our latest protocols and learn more about the Sanger sequencing workflow


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.