More sustainable packaging

Reducing chemical footprint with returnable containers

Our returnable stainless-steel barrels and drums, intermediate bulk containers (IBC), and container totes are an outstanding choice for handling large quantities of high-purity solvents. We have designed container systems that efficiently deliver solvents to laboratory and production environments while reducing environmental impact and enhancing safety.


Receiving bulk solvents in one of our returnable container formats can have a large impact:

  • A single 200 liter (44 gallon) returnable barrel/drum replaces eighty 2.5 liter or 50 four-liter glass bottles, as well as cardboard boxes and packing material.
  • With a unique combination of mechanical and manual controls, the closed returnable container system reduces the release of flammable or toxic vapors into the surrounding environment.


The returnable container delivery system also helps to increase safety in laboratory and production environments:

  • The bottle-free system reduces glass breakage and the likelihood of chemical spills.
  • The distribution of metal containers around the facility reduces glass transportation risks.

Bulk and high-volume service

Returnable stainless-steel barrels and drums, intermediate bulk containers (IBC), and container totes

Improve efficiency and safety with our more sustainable high-volume solvent delivery services.

We offer a broad range of grades, volumes, and container options, to suit your analytical and manufacturing requirements. 

10x Current catalog offering

We offer catalog options that can be ordered in larger sizes and formats.

We can provide a wide variety of chemicals, test them, package them, and deliver them based on your requirements. 

Custom chemical service

Custom synthesis

Optimize your synthesis with our extensive database of production methods for over 8,000 compounds.

Custom blends

Save time and get exceptional product consistency by letting us prepare your custom-made solvents, blends, and buffers at our facilities.

Custom specifications, packaging, and labels

Take advantage of our extensive analytical services to define and meet your unique specifications. We also offer labeling services to enhance product identification and custom packaging.