Together, Ambion and Applied Biosystems provide a complete and convenient solution for gene silencing experiments. Silencer siRNAs from Ambion eliminate the guesswork and tedious labwork associated with siRNA design and testing. And gene-specific, ready-to-run TaqMan Gene Expression Assays from Applied Biosystems give you a rapid and simple way to measure knockdown effectiveness. This successful combination accelerates gene function analyses, enabling you to focus on answering important biological questions rather than on testing and validating reagents.

A simple five-step process uses Applied Biosystems and Ambion reagents to accelerate gene function analysis:

Figure 1. Five Steps for Successful Gene Function Analysis and the Applied Biosystems and Ambion Reagents and Instruments for Each Step.

Simplify Gene Silencing Experiments with Silencer Pre-designed siRNAs

  • Fast: Ready to use siRNAs for human, mouse, and rat genes
  • Easy: Searchable database makes it simple to find siRNAs to your genes of interest
  • Guaranteed: Efficient gene knockdown guaranteed

Tired of wasting time with poorly designed siRNAs? Silencer Pre-designed siRNAs--highly effective, ready-to-use siRNAs available for all human, mouse, and rat genes--provide guaranteed gene silencing. Each siRNA has been designed using a carefully optimized algorithm and then manufactured to exacting standards to provide potent and specific gene silencing.

Journal article reviewers generally require that researchers verify gene silencing results with a second siRNA. Silencer Pre-designed siRNAs make it easy to comply. Ambion guarantees that at least two Silencer Pre-designed siRNAs will knockdown target mRNA levels by ≥70% when three are purchased for the same gene.

Verify Gene Silencing with TaqMan Gene Expression Assays

  • Gene-specific TaqMan probe and primer sets for quantitative gene expression studies in human, mouse, rat, Rhesus, C. elegans, Drosophila, and Arabidopsis
  • Convenient single tube format and 20X formulation
  • Universal thermal cycling conditions

TaqMan Gene Expression Assays (Figure 2) are a comprehensive collection of more than 600,000 predesigned primer and probe sets that let researchers quickly and easily perform quantitative gene expression studies on human, mouse, rat, Rhesus, C. elegans, Drosophila, and Arabidopsis genes. These assays provide the exquisite sensitivity, linearity, and dynamic range that you have come to expect from  TaqMan chemistry, and all perform under universal thermal cycling conditions. These properties, as well as their availability for the same transcripts to which Ambion Silencer siRNAs are targeted, make TaqMan Gene Expression Assays ideal for analyzing siRNA induced knockdown by qRT-PCR.

Figure 2. TaqMan Gene Expression Assays.