Leverage your 4D in situ experiments using Digital Volume Correlation for 3D Visualization and Analysis Software

Linking the microstructure to the mechanical behavior is critical to the design of high-performance components for industry. 3D imaging techniques, such as lab/synchrotron X-ray tomography, optical tomography (OCT, OST), and MRI, allow you to perform in situ experiments with high spatial (down to the micron scale) and temporal resolution (within seconds). These techniques are particularly suitable for capturing complex and very short-lived phenomena, such as localization induced by heterogeneities, thermal mismatch between constituents, micro-cracking, fatigue behavior, and phase transitions. Digital volume correlation (DVC) exploits the natural texture of materials and has recently emerged as a powerful contactless, bulk strain measurement technique in experimental mechanics, materials science, and biomechanics.

Thermo Scientific Amira and Avizo Software are all-in-one image analysis platforms that allow you to compute 3D full-field displacement and strain maps from volume images acquired during the deformation process of an object. The data can be visualized and analyzed in a sophisticated way to quantify deformation-induced microstructural changes, such as strain transfer in multiphase materials, pore growth/coalescence related to fracture, and crack opening displacement (COD).

Where digital volume correlation can be applied?

Pore coalescence related to fracture of a fiber-reinforced polymer composite

The damage mechanisms of polyamide 6 (PA6) matrix reinforced with unidirectional glass fibers have been characterized using synchrotron radiation laminography on CT-like specimens.

Digital volume correlation (DVC) enables researchers to go one step further to quantify in more details the 3D interaction of a crack with the microstructure.

Data courtesy of L. Laiarinandrasana & T. Morgeneyer from Centre des Matériaux Mines ParisTech and L. Helfen from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

What tools Amira Software and Avizo Software provide for digital volume correlation (DVC) analysis?

  • 3D full-field continuous displacement and strain maps with high precision/accuracy from volume images acquired during a deformation process (possible precision down to 0.1 pixel and accuracy/bias down to 0.01 pixel, or less, depending on texture and noise)
  • Subset-based DVC method for large expected displacements (local method)
  • Finite element-based DVC method for continuous displacements (global method)
  • Fusion of local and global methods, allowing you to tackle a wide range of applications
  • Displacements and strains are computed in a 3D mesh, which can conform to the exact shape of the object, avoiding the need to trade off for a smaller region of interest
  • Advanced post processing:
    • Displacement and strain components visualized at grid elements (hexaedra/tetraedra) or nodes
    • Convert grid’s nodal displacement to a regular data set (3D image)
    • Displacement vectors visualized at grid elements, nodes, or on regular grid
    • Extraction of principal strains, invariants, eigenvectors, equivalent von Mises and Tresca strains
    • Iso-displacement and iso-strain mapping
    • Deformation animation from the 3D grid
    • Link experiment with simulation by creating tetrahedral mesh for FEA/CFD and applying DVC displacements at the mesh boundaries
    • Quantify deformation induced microstructural changes such as interface integrity or deformation induced porosity



    입문 교육

    Amira, Avizo 및 PerGeos Software 신규 사용자를 위해 특별히 설계된 이 입문 교육을 통해 학습 커브를 단축하고 투자를 극대화 해보세요.

    이 교육은 실습 교육이 있는 강의로 이루어져 있습니다. 교육 자료는 Amira, Avizo 및 PerGeos Software의 기본 기능과 특징을 조명합니다.


    고급 교육

    Amira, Avizo 및 PerGeos Software의 기존 사용자를 위해 특별히 설계된 이 고급 교육을 통해 결과를 얻기 까지의 시간을 단축하고 투자를 극대화 해보세요.

    이 교육은 실습 교육이 있는 강의로 이루어져 있습니다. 교육 자료는 Amira, Avizo 및 PerGeos Software의 고급 기능과 특징을 조명합니다.


    맞춤형 개발

    3D 및 이미지 프로세싱에서의 25년 이상의 경험과 크고 작은 조직에 수 백개의 맞춤형 프로젝트를 제공해 온 Thermo Fisher Scientific은 특정 요구에 맞는 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공할 수 있습니다.

    저희는 당사의 소프트웨어를 다양한 수준으로 맞춤화하고 확장할 수 있습니다.


    Leverage your 4D in-situ experiments using Avizo Software for Digital Volume Correlation.

    Pore coalescence related to fracture of a fiber-reinforced polymer composite.

    Analysis of 10ppi Aluminum open cell foam under compression. The Digital Volume Correlation analysis is based on the first three loading steps, showing the initial strain map distribution in the specimen. Data courtesy of TWI Ltd.

    Avizo Software for Digital Volume Correlation to understand the dessication process in Egyptian crocodile mummies.

    Leverage your 4D in-situ experiments using Avizo Software for Digital Volume Correlation.

    Pore coalescence related to fracture of a fiber-reinforced polymer composite.

    Analysis of 10ppi Aluminum open cell foam under compression. The Digital Volume Correlation analysis is based on the first three loading steps, showing the initial strain map distribution in the specimen. Data courtesy of TWI Ltd.

    Avizo Software for Digital Volume Correlation to understand the dessication process in Egyptian crocodile mummies.



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