Images can aid in understanding cell structure and mechanisms.

As a cell biologist, you know how important it is to understand the intricate mechanisms of cell structure and function. However, analyzing data from various imaging systems and modalities that use different file formats can be a daunting task. Each experimental setup presents a unique challenge, and multi-scale dynamic processes require the tracking of objects of various sizes, from diffraction-limited particles to entire cells. With data sets containing anywhere from a few dozen to tens of thousands of objects, identifying and quantifying sub-cellular structures that support intracellular processes can seem overwhelming.

Thermo Scientific Amira Software is a powerful toolbox that enables cell biologists to visualize, process, and analyze complex biological data in 3D. With its advanced image processing, visualization, and analysis tools, Amira software can help you gain insights into the structure and function of cells and tissues that would be impossible to see with 2D images alone.

Whether you're studying cellular processes, tissue organization, or the effects of drugs on cells, Amira software can help you gain a deeper understanding of your images. With our easy-to-use interface and comprehensive tools, you can streamline your workflow and spend more time doing what you do best - advancing the field of cell biology. 



Imaging data

Workflow using Avizo Software


Workflow using Avizo Software


Workflow using Avizo Software


Workflow using Avizo Software





이 제품은  강력한  분할 및  이미지  프로세싱 기능 및 워크플로우,  20년 이상  이어진  과학계 및 수천 명의 연구자들과의 협력으로  생체의학 및 생명과학 연구 분야에서  신뢰할 만한 해답을 제공하는 디지털 이미징 기반 워크플로우로  입증되었습니다.



고객의 요구 사항은 고유하고 지속적으로 발전하고 있기 때문에 당사의 소프트웨어 솔루션은 완벽하게 유연성을 갖추고 있으며 맞춤화가 가능합니다. 스크립팅 인터페이스(Python, TCL), MATLAB와의 연결, 프로그래밍 API 덕분에 소프트웨어 솔루션을 확장하고 자체 IP(지적 재산권)를 통합할 수 있습니다. 또한 필요에 따라 당사의 전문 서비스팀이 고객의 요구에 맞는 고유한 솔루션을 설계할 수 있도록 도와드립니다.



전담 전문가 지원팀 덕분에 최고의 전문가들에게 문의할 수 있어 의문 사항을 확실히 해결할 수 있습니다. 그리고 교육, 컨설팅 옵션, 지속적으로  확장되는 학습 자료 및 방법 컬렉션을 통해 보다 쉽게 학습하고 해답을 얻는 데 집중할 수 있습니다.



자동화 기능과  계속해서  확장되는  온라인  애드온  저장소(Xtra Gallery)를 추가하게 되어  반복 가능한  워크플로우를 쉽게 재현가능한 레시피로  캡슐화할 수 있습니다.  인공 지능이 추가되어  비이미지  처리 분석 전문가를 통한  분석이   가능하며  복잡한  분석에서 시간을 절약하는  동시에  결과의  일관성을 보장합니다.



Introduction to Amira Software for cell biology

During this 20-minutes webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Accelerate subcellular (membrane, organelle) detection and segmentation from Electron Microscopy (TEM) data using a range of readily available tools, including 3D Deep Learning model training.
  • Analyze multichannel fluorescence endothelial cell culture data by performing fast and effective cleaning, segmentation, volume colocalization and neighbor cell proximity.
  • Extract complex information in 3D such as detection, segmentation and penetration of cancer or immune cells to manage multichannel High Content Screening multi-well images of organoid models.
  • Quickly convert, visualize and accurately process large (~100GB) multi-channel and time series light sheet tissue imaging data.



Use cases and insight from your peers

Explore industry-leading insights and research that can support your lab workflow.

Helping scientists answer questions that enable breakthrough discoveries in life sciences, materials science, and industry.

Correlative Microscopy: Using Amira Software to Understand the Spread of Cancer
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Amira Software Accelerates Veterinary Research with 3D Visualization and Analysis
Read more
Molecular Clarity—Discovering What’s Possible with Cryo-Electron Tomography
Read more
Cryo-Electron Tomography and 3D Software Advances Coronavirus Research
Read more




지금 등록하시면 독점적인 콘텐츠를 메일로 발송해드립니다.





Cell detection

Cellular spheroids are 3D cell cultures that represent in vivo tissue better than traditional cellular monolayers, improving the ability of researchers to study cancer, diabetes mellitus, or stem cells, among many applications. However, cell analysis in such 3D multicellular objects is not accurately possible, especially without destroying the object of study. Amira Software can automatically separate the cells and perform volumetric, morphometric, and intensity measurements on individual cells and their nuclei in 3D image data of these spheroids. Amira Software also helps with the analysis of conventional 2D cellular monolayers.


Correlative imaging

With its long-standing applications in multi-modality imaging techniques, Amira Software is the tool of choice for many researchers working with data from different imaging modalities. Amira Software’s architecture supports multi-volume data processing and visualization from the ground up. The automatic registration tools integrated into the standard edition of Amira Software with the Multi-Planar Workroom offer the flexibility of the most commonly used automated registration metrics and optimizers that allow for the adjustment of the registration parameters to meet the needs of your data.


Membrane detection

Amira Software accelerates segmentation by employing automated detection of cellular features, such as filaments and membranes. By performing advanced image analysis and statistics on the cryo-tomograms, Amira Software combines data from these individual structures, averaging out noise and increasing contrast to create a composite model with higher resolution.


Multi-channel and time-series visualization

With our new Xplore5D extension for Amira Software, life scientists can easily visualize, correlate, and process large multichannel and time series data in one platform, without worrying about image size or memory limits. With its smart file format, Xplore5D allows you to compress all imaging data without losing precious information collected during acquisition.

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High-content screening

Amira Software enables multi-channel quantitative capabilities to investigate the most demanding scientific and experimental models used in HCS, including immuno-oncology, neuroscience, and organoid health. Thanks to its incredible speed and flexibility, Amira Software helps enable advanced 2D–5D bioimaging workflows in research areas ranging from structural and cellular biology to neuronal and spheroid morphology in 3D models. To facilitate these advanced analyses, Amira Software features deep learning for improved training and prediction, including "intelligent denoising functionality.

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Filament tracing

With Amira Software, you are able to use a template-matching algorithm to automatically detect and trace these fine filaments in noisy cryo-EM or DualBeam instrument data. In addition, Amira Software enables you to reconstruct filamentous networks and edit the resulting graphs to remove image features erroneously identified as filaments or to add missing parts of a network. Graphs of filaments can then be quantified by measuring parameters such as amount, length, thickness, orientation, ranks, etc. Compelling 3D renderings can be created from the reconstructed model and the computed parameters.


Cell detection

Cellular spheroids are 3D cell cultures that represent in vivo tissue better than traditional cellular monolayers, improving the ability of researchers to study cancer, diabetes mellitus, or stem cells, among many applications. However, cell analysis in such 3D multicellular objects is not accurately possible, especially without destroying the object of study. Amira Software can automatically separate the cells and perform volumetric, morphometric, and intensity measurements on individual cells and their nuclei in 3D image data of these spheroids. Amira Software also helps with the analysis of conventional 2D cellular monolayers.


Correlative imaging

With its long-standing applications in multi-modality imaging techniques, Amira Software is the tool of choice for many researchers working with data from different imaging modalities. Amira Software’s architecture supports multi-volume data processing and visualization from the ground up. The automatic registration tools integrated into the standard edition of Amira Software with the Multi-Planar Workroom offer the flexibility of the most commonly used automated registration metrics and optimizers that allow for the adjustment of the registration parameters to meet the needs of your data.


Membrane detection

Amira Software accelerates segmentation by employing automated detection of cellular features, such as filaments and membranes. By performing advanced image analysis and statistics on the cryo-tomograms, Amira Software combines data from these individual structures, averaging out noise and increasing contrast to create a composite model with higher resolution.


Multi-channel and time-series visualization

With our new Xplore5D extension for Amira Software, life scientists can easily visualize, correlate, and process large multichannel and time series data in one platform, without worrying about image size or memory limits. With its smart file format, Xplore5D allows you to compress all imaging data without losing precious information collected during acquisition.

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High-content screening

Amira Software enables multi-channel quantitative capabilities to investigate the most demanding scientific and experimental models used in HCS, including immuno-oncology, neuroscience, and organoid health. Thanks to its incredible speed and flexibility, Amira Software helps enable advanced 2D–5D bioimaging workflows in research areas ranging from structural and cellular biology to neuronal and spheroid morphology in 3D models. To facilitate these advanced analyses, Amira Software features deep learning for improved training and prediction, including "intelligent denoising functionality.

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Filament tracing

With Amira Software, you are able to use a template-matching algorithm to automatically detect and trace these fine filaments in noisy cryo-EM or DualBeam instrument data. In addition, Amira Software enables you to reconstruct filamentous networks and edit the resulting graphs to remove image features erroneously identified as filaments or to add missing parts of a network. Graphs of filaments can then be quantified by measuring parameters such as amount, length, thickness, orientation, ranks, etc. Compelling 3D renderings can be created from the reconstructed model and the computed parameters.






입문 교육

Amira, Avizo 및 PerGeos Software 신규 사용자를 위해 특별히 설계된 이 입문 교육을 통해 학습 커브를 단축하고 투자를 극대화 해보세요.

이 교육은 실습 교육이 있는 강의로 이루어져 있습니다. 교육 자료는 Amira, Avizo 및 PerGeos Software의 기본 기능과 특징을 조명합니다.


고급 교육

Amira, Avizo 및 PerGeos Software의 기존 사용자를 위해 특별히 설계된 이 고급 교육을 통해 결과를 얻기 까지의 시간을 단축하고 투자를 극대화 해보세요.

이 교육은 실습 교육이 있는 강의로 이루어져 있습니다. 교육 자료는 Amira, Avizo 및 PerGeos Software의 고급 기능과 특징을 조명합니다.


맞춤형 개발

3D 및 이미지 프로세싱에서의 25년 이상의 경험과 크고 작은 조직에 수 백개의 맞춤형 프로젝트를 제공해 온 Thermo Fisher Scientific은 특정 요구에 맞는 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공할 수 있습니다.

저희는 당사의 소프트웨어를 다양한 수준으로 맞춤화하고 확장할 수 있습니다.




Dr. Antentor Hinton Jr, has made extensive use of Amira Software as part of his lab’s work in mitochondrial research.

Amira Software is crucial for visualizing SBF-SEM (serial block-face SEM) and FIB-SEM images, so we can analyze the 3D morphology of organelles.

Dr. Antentor Hinton Jr
Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt University

Matthia A. Karreman at EMBL and DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, uses Amira Software

This testimonial highlights the way Amira Software supported Matthia A. Karreman, MSc, PhD at EMBL and DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, in her project on multimodal correlative microscopy to efficiently target single tumor cells in vivo.

Matthia A. Karreman, MSc, PhD
EMBL and DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg University uses Amira Software


"Amira Software helps to set up complex data processing workflows. The first aim was to enhance the contrast of viral and cellular membranes. We applied a combination of 3D non-local means filter and the Membrane Enhancement Filter implemented in Amira Software. An initial automated segmentation was achieved using the Top-hat segmentation tool. This initial segmentation was further manually refined utilizing a Wacom graphics tablet. Based on the refined membrane segmentation, a 3D surface was calculated using unconstrained smoothing, and the surface was visualized as 3D model."

By Steffen Klein (Chlanda lab, Department of Infectious Diseases, Virology, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany)


Read more




Amira software solution for the analysis of time series data of cellular processes.

Amira Software can automatically count the cell nuclei which correspond to the cell count of the 3D spheroid cell cultures.

With incredible speed and flexibility, Amira Software enables advanced 2D-5D bioimaging workflows in research areas ranging from structural and cellular biology, to spheroid or tumor analysis and tissue imaging.

Golgi apparatus of green alga Chlamydomonas reihardtii, flas-frozen without any artificial staining or fixatives, and thinned by cryo-FIB milling.

SARS-CoV-2 virion budding and assembly at the ERGIC membrane. A 3D volume rendering is shown for each area with cellular and viral membranes in green and magenta respectively, viral spike proteins in yellow, and viral ribonucleoproteins in cyan.

Amira Software provides a comprehensive toolset for the flexible and accurate analysis of time series data of cellular processes.

Amira software solution for the analysis of time series data of cellular processes.

Amira Software can automatically count the cell nuclei which correspond to the cell count of the 3D spheroid cell cultures.

With incredible speed and flexibility, Amira Software enables advanced 2D-5D bioimaging workflows in research areas ranging from structural and cellular biology, to spheroid or tumor analysis and tissue imaging.

Golgi apparatus of green alga Chlamydomonas reihardtii, flas-frozen without any artificial staining or fixatives, and thinned by cryo-FIB milling.

SARS-CoV-2 virion budding and assembly at the ERGIC membrane. A 3D volume rendering is shown for each area with cellular and viral membranes in green and magenta respectively, viral spike proteins in yellow, and viral ribonucleoproteins in cyan.

Amira Software provides a comprehensive toolset for the flexible and accurate analysis of time series data of cellular processes.




이미징 데이터 가져오기 및 프로세스

    • 모든 종류, 스케일, 사이즈 처리:

    - Bio-Formats
    - Bitmap 형식
    - 현미경: 전자 및 광학
    - 의학 및 뉴로이미지 형식
    - 분자 형식
    - 기타 획득 장치 (MRI, 방사선 촬영 등)

    • 유한 요소 모델링, 기하학적 모델링, CAD
    • 다중 데이터/다중 뷰, 다중 채널, 타임 시리즈, 대량 데이터 지원
    • 스케일링, 보정, 변환, 리샘플링(re-sampling)
    • 이미지 개선, 종합적인 필터링 및 컨볼루션, 푸리에 주파수 변환
    • 아티팩트(artifact) 감소 알고리즘
    • 고급 다중 모드 2D/3D 자동 등록
    • 이미지 스택 정렬, 산술, 상관 관계, 결합

    이미징 데이터를 쉽게 세분화

    • 임계값 계산 및 자동 세분화, 개체 분리, 자동 레이블 지정
    • 영역 확대, 스네이크, 보간, 래핑, 평활
    • 유역 및 분지를 포함한 형태학적 처리
    • 머신 러닝 기반 세분화
    • 개별 섬유 및 필라멘트 자동 추적
    • 골격화 및 필라멘트 네트워크 추출
    • 분할 및 공간 그래프 생성이나 편집을 위한 상호작용식 도구
    • 3D 표면 재현
    • FEA/CFD를 위한 그리드 생성


    분석 및 시각화 작업을 원활하게 출판하고 발표하기 위해 내보내기(export) 하세요.

    • 애니메이션 및 동영상 생성
    • 고급 키 프레임 및 객체 애니메이션
    • 이미지, 기하학적 모델, 측정 및 시뮬레이션 혼합
    • 주석, 측정 범례, 히스토그램 및 곡선 플롯
    • 스프레드시트 내보내기, 3D 모델, 고품질 이미지
    • 능동 및 수동 방식 3D 스테레오 비전
    • 단일 및 타일형 화면 디스플레이
    • 몰입형 환경

    이미징 데이터를 시각화하고 탐색해보세요.

    • 상호작용식 고품질 볼륨 및 멀티채널 시각화
    • 직교, 경사, 원통형 및 곡선 슬라이싱
    • 윤곽 및 등면(iso-surface) 추출
    • 최대 강도 또는 기타 유형의 투영
    • 벡터 및 텐서 시각화
    • 객체 및 추적
    • 분자적 시각화

    이미징 데이터를 분석하고 정량적 정보를 얻어보세요.

    • 직관적인 레시피 생성, 사용자 맞춤화, 자동 재생
    • 카운트, 볼륨, 영역, 경계선, 가로세로비 및 방향을 포함한 측정 방법 내장
    • 사용자 정의 측정
    • 스프레드시트 도구 및 차트를 사용하는 결과 뷰어
    • 자동 개별 형상 측정, 3D 국소화 및 스프레드시트 선택
    • 통계 자동화, 분포 그래프
    • 측정 기준을 사용한 형상 필터링
    • 데이터 정합, 변형, 비교 및 측정


    Amira Software를 특별한 요구에 맞게 쉽고 신속하게 조정해보세요.

    • 맞춤형 C++ 모듈 개발
    • MATLAB™ bridge
    • Python 스크립팅 API

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