LipidSearch Software

Accurate lipid identification

Relative quantitation and accurate identification of lipids from biological samples requires sophisticated software with a comprehensive database. Thermo Scientific LipidSearch software provides automated identification of lipids and integrates an entire dataset into a concise report showing statistical differences between sample groups.

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Key benefits

Automated lipid identificationComprehensive database coverage
Unique peak detection algorithms are customized for LC-data dependent MS/MS including combining the information from CID/HCD fragmentations and MS2/MS3 spectra using the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap IQ-X and Tribrid mass spectrometers. Product ion search and annotation alignment algorithms are optimized for untargeted lipid identification.The LipidSearch software database contains molecular lipid species (96 sub-classes) and their predicted fragment ions and provides the most complete coverage of different sample types including cells, human plasma, insect larvae, plants, seed oils, tissue and yeast.

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