Orbitrap Exploris Mass Spectrometers

Fast track to confident results

Benefit from record-setting performance. With built-in intelligence, sensitivity and selectivity; the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris mass spectrometry is quantitative high-resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for analysis depth to the lowest levels with high quantitative accuracy and precision to meet your exact analytical requirements. Scale up your research and translate your results more rapidly and simply than ever before.

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The evolution of 20 years of Orbitrap technology

Evolution of Thermo Scientific Orbitrap technology

Dr Alexander Makarov explains how 20 years of Orbitrap innovations have revolutionized mass spectrometry.



Why choose an Orbitrap Exploris mass spectrometer for your laboratory?

Discover which Orbitrap Exploris mass spectrometry system will meet your business needs for more efficient screening (including targeted, suspected and nontargeted), identification, confirmation and quantitation.


Orbitrap Exploris 120Orbitrap Exploris 240Orbitrap Exploris 480
Orbitrap Exploris MX mass detectorOrbitrap Exploris 120 Mass Spectrometer Orbitrap Exploris 240 Mass Spectrometer Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer
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Accelerate biopharmaceutical commercialization, manufacturing and quality control by easily and reliably obtaining compliance-ready, high-quality mass information with the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris MX Mass Detector.Benefit from best in class high-resolution accurate mass for confident testing, screening and quantification of small molecules with the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 120 Mass Spectrometer.  Get unmatched confidence for discovery and identification, with application versatility and operational simplicity with the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 240 Mass Spectrometer.  


Achieve next-level insights, exploratory and targeted quantitation, next-gen power, performance, and ease of use with the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer.


Typical applications
Biopharmaceutical characterization and QC, intact protein analysis, Multi-Attribute Method (MAM), oligonucleotides, pharmaceuticalsFood and environmental testing, metabolomics, forensic toxicology, clinical research, pharmaceuticalsBiopharmaceutical characterization, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, food and environmental research, clinical researchShotgun proteomics (LFQ DIA, DDA), single cell proteomics, TMT multiplexing, targeted peptide quantification, metabolomics, biopharmaceutical applications (including HCP and protein characterization).
Targeted / non-targeted screening (MS)
Unknown Identification (MS)
Absolute and Relative Quantitation (MS)
Targeted / non-targeted screening (MS)
Unknown Identification (MS)
Confirmation (MS/MS)
Absolute and Relative Quantitation (MS and/or MS2)
Resolution powers
Mass range
m/z 40–3,000 up to m/z 8,000 with BioPharma optionm/z 40 – 3,000m/z 40 - 6000
(up to 8000 with BioPharma option)
Scan speed
Sources & Flexibility
AP-SMALDI5 AF source for MS ImagingAPCI/APPI Combination
AP-SMALDI5 AF source for MS Imaging
FAIMS Pro Duo interface
APCI/APPI Combination
EASY-Spray Source
Nanospray Flex Ion Sources 
AP-SMALDI5 AF source for MS Imaging
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Discover how easy it is to use and maintain an Orbitrap Exploris MS

Make quicker decisions with the small footprint desktop MS

Focus on your samples instead of your instrument. LED indicators make it easy to quickly determine run status, while the optional dry pump eliminates the need to change the rough pump oil.

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Financing to power up your lab: Trade-In program, grant writing support, and flexible financing


Orbitrap Exploris mass spectrometer ordering information



Benefit from high mass and spatial resolution

Due to its high performance in spatial resolution, TransMIT’s AP-SMALDI5 AF ion source is the perfect match for the high mass resolution and accurate mass capabilities of Orbitrap MS instrumentation. The coupling of AP-SMALDI5 AF and Orbitrap technologies enables high mass and spatial resolution by providing:

  • Automated matrix application with crystal size below 5 µm, via TransMIT's SMALDIPrep device 
  • Lateral and spatial resolution of 5 µm and MS Imaging acquisition modes with choices for highest acquisition speed (2D Line Mode) or highest sensitivity (Full Pixel Mode)
  • Automated laser focusing to investigate non-flat surfaces and 3-dimensional surfaces (3D-Surface MS Imaging)
  • TransMIT’s SMALDIControl Software to control ion source, laser, x,y,z-stage and mass spectrometer 
  • Orbitrap Exploris MS HRAM instrumentation supported by its Instrument Control Software (Tune and Method Editor application) supporting the capabilities to trigger the mass spectrometer by an external device suited for MS Imaging applications 
  • TransMIT’s Mirion MS Image generation software with full imzML integration for post-processing MS imaging raw data information
AP-SMALDI MS Imaging of healthy mouse brain
AP-SMALDI MS healthy mouse brain tissue imaging, using the Orbitrap Exploris 240 mass spectrometer with m/z values extracted in blue, red and green. Compounds extracted are location-specific endogenous metabolites of mouse brain tissue. 2D pixel mode of acquisition with 40 µm x 40 µm pixels size and with 5 µm laser spot size applied. Full MS scan from m/z 600 to m/z 1000.

TransMIT Center for Mass Spectrometric Development (TransMIT GmbH, Giessen, Germany) offers integrated high-end solutions for atmospheric-pressure Scanning microprob Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometric imaging. These solutions are based on TransMIT’s pro­prietary SMALDI MS Imaging and 3D-Surface MS Imaging technology.

The AP-SMALDI source generates ions under atmospheric pressure (AP) and the experimental setup allows to systematically scan tissue samples or 3D objects with the pulsed laser beam applying laser spot sizes of 5 μm routinely and without oversampling.

Schematic diagram of TransMIT’s AP-SMALDI5 AF ion source mounted to the Orbitrap Exploris platform. 

AP-SMALDI ion source schematic detail: (1) the laser beam passes through a focusing lens (2) two mirrors directing the light through an objective lens (3) close to the sample. The objective lens (3) focuses the pulsed laser light to the tissue sample base plate (4). An off-axis camera (5) allows for sample inspection while the autofocusing (6) laser ensures the analyzing laser is always in focus. Technical details of the AP-SMALDI5 AF setup coupled to Orbitrap mass spectrometry for MS Imaging application. Note: AP-SMALDI5 AF ion source is a laser class 1 product.

TransMIT’s SMALDIPrep device, its AP-SMALDI5 AF ion source, its Mirion MS Image generation software and Orbitrap Exploris MS instrumentation allows for spatial multi-omics analysis from tissue and from surfaces of 3D objects.

TransMIT's SMALDIControl software controls TransMIT's AP-SMALDI AF ion source coupled with Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris instrumentation.


TransMIT's MIRION software generates MS images acquired by TransMIT's AP-SMALDI AF ion source coupled with Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris instrumentation.


Dr Bernhard Spengler of TransMIT Center discusses 3D imaging with AP-SMALDI5 AF technology when coupled with Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris mass spectrometers


Benefit from high mass and spatial resolution

Due to its high performance in spatial resolution, TransMIT’s AP-SMALDI5 AF ion source is the perfect match for the high mass resolution and accurate mass capabilities of Orbitrap MS instrumentation. The coupling of AP-SMALDI5 AF and Orbitrap technologies enables high mass and spatial resolution by providing:

  • Automated matrix application with crystal size below 5 µm, via TransMIT's SMALDIPrep device 
  • Lateral and spatial resolution of 5 µm and MS Imaging acquisition modes with choices for highest acquisition speed (2D Line Mode) or highest sensitivity (Full Pixel Mode)
  • Automated laser focusing to investigate non-flat surfaces and 3-dimensional surfaces (3D-Surface MS Imaging)
  • TransMIT’s SMALDIControl Software to control ion source, laser, x,y,z-stage and mass spectrometer 
  • Orbitrap Exploris MS HRAM instrumentation supported by its Instrument Control Software (Tune and Method Editor application) supporting the capabilities to trigger the mass spectrometer by an external device suited for MS Imaging applications 
  • TransMIT’s Mirion MS Image generation software with full imzML integration for post-processing MS imaging raw data information
AP-SMALDI MS Imaging of healthy mouse brain
AP-SMALDI MS healthy mouse brain tissue imaging, using the Orbitrap Exploris 240 mass spectrometer with m/z values extracted in blue, red and green. Compounds extracted are location-specific endogenous metabolites of mouse brain tissue. 2D pixel mode of acquisition with 40 µm x 40 µm pixels size and with 5 µm laser spot size applied. Full MS scan from m/z 600 to m/z 1000.

TransMIT Center for Mass Spectrometric Development (TransMIT GmbH, Giessen, Germany) offers integrated high-end solutions for atmospheric-pressure Scanning microprob Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometric imaging. These solutions are based on TransMIT’s pro­prietary SMALDI MS Imaging and 3D-Surface MS Imaging technology.

The AP-SMALDI source generates ions under atmospheric pressure (AP) and the experimental setup allows to systematically scan tissue samples or 3D objects with the pulsed laser beam applying laser spot sizes of 5 μm routinely and without oversampling.

Schematic diagram of TransMIT’s AP-SMALDI5 AF ion source mounted to the Orbitrap Exploris platform. 

AP-SMALDI ion source schematic detail: (1) the laser beam passes through a focusing lens (2) two mirrors directing the light through an objective lens (3) close to the sample. The objective lens (3) focuses the pulsed laser light to the tissue sample base plate (4). An off-axis camera (5) allows for sample inspection while the autofocusing (6) laser ensures the analyzing laser is always in focus. Technical details of the AP-SMALDI5 AF setup coupled to Orbitrap mass spectrometry for MS Imaging application. Note: AP-SMALDI5 AF ion source is a laser class 1 product.

TransMIT’s SMALDIPrep device, its AP-SMALDI5 AF ion source, its Mirion MS Image generation software and Orbitrap Exploris MS instrumentation allows for spatial multi-omics analysis from tissue and from surfaces of 3D objects.

TransMIT's SMALDIControl software controls TransMIT's AP-SMALDI AF ion source coupled with Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris instrumentation.


TransMIT's MIRION software generates MS images acquired by TransMIT's AP-SMALDI AF ion source coupled with Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris instrumentation.


Dr Bernhard Spengler of TransMIT Center discusses 3D imaging with AP-SMALDI5 AF technology when coupled with Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris mass spectrometers


Video: Compounding Insights—How to extract high confidence understanding from comprehensive Orbitrap Exploris HRAM data

Laboratories performing LC-MS applications strive for certainty when identifying detected compounds. For many small-molecule applications, conventional approaches aren’t enough. Laboratories require more, such as rich, high quality spectral information and fit for purpose data analysis software to make satisfactory identifications and characterization.

Thermo Scientific Compound Discoverer software helps you extract high-confidence understanding from comprehensive Orbitrap high-resolution, accurate-mass data.


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