Extraordinary Simplified
Orbitrap Exploris Mass Spectrometer

Making genius simpler

Empowering life science researchers to translate each experimental step to a new level of insight with built-in workflows and single-cell sensitivity. Accelerate your path to impactful results with a next-generation ownership experience coupled with an intelligence-driven experimental approach. Achieve a new standard in performance to study trace samples with extraordinary accuracy, certainty, confidence and simplicity. You'll find market leading quantitative performance to solve your most complex challenges with ease, and the proven qualitative performance you expect from Orbitrap- based mass spectrometry.

From exploratory to targeted quantitation, find the power and reliability to make large scale studies possible, while reducing everyday hassles as you increase productivity. And achieving it all, remarkably, within a compact footprint. An extraordinary instrument, providing extraordinary results; the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer.

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Improve DIA performance on Orbitrap mass spectrometers

Improve DIA performance on Orbitrap mass spectrometers

Access the Velocity DIA information kit, infographic, and other tools to enhance DIA performance on Orbitrap mass spectrometers.

Access important DIA tools ›

Democratizing the power of mass spectrometry with the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS

With game-changing performance and an unparalleled user experience, the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer makes it possible for an expanded audience of molecular biologists and biochemists to see themselves as mass spectrometrists. You’ll have access to a vast range of pre-set experiments, which are customizable with simple drag and drop modifications, and the sensitivity and selectivity necessary to support emerging applications such as single cell proteomics.


Introducing the Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer

Discover how the latest in instrument design delivers proven technology, advanced capabilities, a compact footprint, and an intelligence-driven analytical framework empowering research scientists to more extensively deploy mass spectrometry for rigorous, high-throughput protein identification, quantitation, and structural characterization. Genius just got simpler.


Key benefits of the Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer

Next-generation experienceHigh performance,
high-throughput insights
Robust performance and exceptional serviceability increase uptimeEase-of-use and intelligence to empower all users
Built with next-generation common hardware and software architecture, the guiding principle of ultimate performance and ease of use delivers effortless access to the value contained within your data.Adding greater performance and intelligence to market-leading selectivity and spectral quality imparts productivity, depth, and certainty to small and large- scale studies.By design, exceptional end-to-end robustness minimizes need for performance-related maintenance, increasing uptime and sample throughput.Differences in user expertise can be a challenge in many laboratories. Workflows based on intelligent data acquisition methods leverage new levels of instrument performance to deliver high confidence, and high throughput.

How does the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS enable greater data insights faster?

See what makes the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS stand out, how it can empower all users to obtain the highest quality results and deepest insights with the least amount of effort; see how our breakthrough is now your breakthrough.

Webinar: Explore how to achieve high throughput LCMS screening while maintaining protein depth and quantitative accuracy

Focusing on robustness, reliability, performance and size, engineering feedback from customers and service engineers into the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS was a top priority, leading to a complete instrument design from the ground up based around system usability, as well as technological advancements in pumping technology, control electronics and ion optics.

Not only have we reduced the length of the quadrupole while maintaining ion transmission efficiency, we have included patented configuration switching, meaning the quadrupoles stay cleaner for longer. In addition, to deliver this improved reliability and performance we have improved the Orbitrap, C-Trap, ion-routing multipole and bent flatapole design, also including the source and funnel improvements from the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Tribrid platform.

The highly optimized design permits a compact physical footprint while providing high performance components and many new functionalities that significantly advance performance for many critical application areas. We achieved a more compact footprint using a single turbo-pump with six-stage pumping, which allowed for fewer moving parts, lower electricity consumption, less noise and weight.

Ion path and key components of the Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer

Ion path and key components of the Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer

Game changing performance, reliability and data certainty, an introduction to Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS

Today's translational scientists need to go beyond peptide and protein identification. Achieving results in a variety of application areas, including protein profiling, quantitative protein analysis, and detailed protein characterization for translational research is no longer a challenge. Leveraging new design features, such as FAIMS next generation ion mobility technology, the system takes advantage of a multitude of novel ion-optical and instrument intelligence-driven design solutions that update and extend capabilities to deliver the performance, robustness, reliability, and data certainty beyond that of current high-resolution mass spectrometers.

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Thermo Scientific SureQuant IS Targeted Protein Quantitation workflow is a data-aware quantitation scan mode, leveraging internal standards to dynamically adjust scan parameters and automatically maximize data quality for targeted proteome analysis in real time. The SureQuant method fills the gap for large-scale target profiling with superior quantitative performance.

Certainty in Biological States of Proteins

SureQuant IS targeted protein quantitation

While triple quadrupole-based Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) and high-resolution Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM) approaches are different, each offers advantages to targeted quantitation. SureQuant IS targeted protein quantitation with Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass analyzer-based mass spectrometry reduces the inevitable trade-off between multiplexing, sensitivity and selectivity. This method enlarges targeted protein panel sizes and significantly improves limits of detection (LODs) and quantitative accuracy without use of retention time windows.

SureQuant method for targeted protein quantitation

SureQuant method facilitates an intelligence-driven approach

SureQuant method target detection occurs independently of Retention Time (RT) scheduling, allowing reliable and robust target quantification. This intelligence-driven approach for quantitation enables self-adjustment for higher sensitivity without compromising cycle time.

Genius Made Simpler: Improving Everyday Protein Profiling to Quantitative Analysis

Regardless of your expertise, speed up your analysis and certainty. Learn how to take advantage of a multitude of novel ion-optical and instrument intelligence-driven design solutions that update and extend capabilities to deliver the performance and data certainty today's translation research labs should expect.

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Quantitative proteomics strategies using Tandem Mass Tags™ enable precise measurement of protein abundance from multiple samples into a single high-resolution LC-MS analysis. Increasingly, various biological experiments demand higher multiplexing and sample throughput with accurate quantitation. In this workshop, our expert speakers will lay out strategies that combine next generation technologies in multiplexing chemistry, hardware, and software to achieve increased quantitative performance and throughput efficiency.

Delivering the best in-class TMT MS2 quantitation, the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS for multiplexed proteome analysis utilizes instrument intelligence with Precursor Fit Filter and TurboTMT, ensuring absolute confidence for protein quantification. When you need ultimate efficiency, the optional Thermo Scientific FAIMS Pro Interface, the next generation ion mobility technology, can be added to boost protein/peptide quantitation efficiency further whilst maintaining the remarkably compact footprint of the Orbitrap Exploris.

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Faster identification of quantifiable peptides using Turbo TMT

Improve isolation specificity and reduce interferences with Precursor Fit Filter

Sub 1-ppm Mass Accuracy as Standard

Certainty in results is a combination of high-resolution, quantitative accuracy and consistent mass accuracy. Incorporating a maintenance-free secondary ion source to deliver a regulated number of calibrant ions into the MS, enables real-time fine adjustment of the instrument's m/z calibration, correcting otherwise uncompensated errors due to temperature fluctuations and scan-to-scan variations.

The Thermo Scientific EASY-IC ion source improves mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio assignment accuracy to under 1 ppm for at least five days to ensure that certainty in your results comes as standard.

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New high-field Orbitrap mass analyzer doubles resolving power and acquisition speed

Answer more questions, and deliver greater coverage and insights to your data through an increased resolution up to 480,000, and scan speeds up to 40Hz, all without any compromize in data quality

Boost data quality with high-sensitivity, high selectivity quadrupoles

Capture low molecular weight fragments through to high-mass proteins with an increased mass range from m/z 40 up to m/z 6000; further extendable up to m/z 8000 when purchased with the BioPharma option.

Ion-Routing Multipole

Ion routing is via the multipole device, and is similar to our Orbitrap Tribrid mass spectrometers. Importantly, this increases instrument robustness by significantly reducing contamination, as well as performing Higher Collisional Dissociation (HCD) fragmentation.

Other high-performance capabilities

  • Improved peptide detection and quantitative accuracy powered by Thermo Scientific TurboTMT Φ-SDM algorithm offering faster TMT scanning Precursor Fit filter allows for selecting ions based on precursor ion specificity of the isolation window
  • BoxCar for DDA and DIA improves dynamic range for peptide detection
  • Significantly improve LODs and quantitative accuracy using Thermo Scientific SureQuant with a SureQuant kit which enables an internal standard triggered method of quantitation which enlarges targeted protein panel size without use of retention time windows
  • Improved experimental throughput for TopN/TopSpeed DDA, DIA and MSX

Being able to focus on your science, rather than experimental set-up through ready-to-use application-specific method templates for common experiments, means that next break-through is closer than ever before; method development can be eliminated or significantly reduced, through editing them or creating your own through drag-and-drop visual method setup.

Regardless of MS system experience, setting up to acquire the highest quality data is simple and more effortless through consistent, common instrument control software and hardware covering our Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Tribrid MS, Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris MS, and Thermo Scientific TSQ triple quadrupole mass spectrometers, allowing you to spend more time on other value-added activities within your laboratory.

Designed for Experimental Parameters to be Transferable between Systems

Generating high-quality data is easier than ever before with drag-and-drop method-building and the ability to utilize ready-made templates for the most popular experiments. The common software architecture provides a consistent user experience, simplifying operation, training and streamlining transfer of knowledge throughout your workflows.

The Thermo Scientific Method Editor and Tune ecosystem deliver intuitive method programming with pre-defined (yet fully editable) templates for the most popular experiments, such as Glycosylation, Metabolites, Peptide ID, Peptide Quantitation, PTM, Advanced TMT, SureQuant method and more to get you up and running from the very start.

MethEdit Orbitrap Exploris 480 Flow

The common method editor combines both instrument control and data acquisition parameters. The use of extensive templates for the most common experiments to allow you to acquire high-quality data from the start, or use drag-and-drop to rapidly create and visualize your own experiments.

See the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS in action: watch ion flight paths for:

Full scan MS: Acquisition of MS data without any fragmentation across a given mass range, where the quadrupole in front of the Orbitrap mass analyzer is operated as a wide-pass mass filter.

MS/MS (ddMS2): A precursor ion is selected for fragmentation within the ion-routing multipole (IRM); the quadrupole is set to transmit only the m/z of the precursor ion which passes into the IRM where higher-energy collisional dissociation occurs (HCD).

DIA (Data Independent Acquisition): Following a full scan MS, the quadrupole isolates a narrow mass range which is then advanced to the IRM where “all ion fragmentation” is performed before being detected. For each subsequent scan, the quadrupole shifts the isolation mass range upwards until the desired mass range has been analyzed.

tSIM (Targeted Selected Ion Monitoring): Similar to full scan MS followed by MS/MS, tSIM operates the quadrupole using a narrow mass range (survey scan) to limit the number of ions entering the IRM before detection. tSIM is normally used to trigger product ion spectra (ddMS2); this mode is useful for lower analyte concentrations to improve product ion spectra.

tSIM MSX (Multiplexing): Multiplexing allows the collection of multiple, pre-selected precursors within the IRM with the option of fragmentation available. This capability increases the duty cycle of the Orbitrap MS and can shorten the analysis.

Optional features to maximize performance

Maximize performance and flexibility to expand experimental capabilities of the Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer with multiple hardware and software options, allowing you to see more, quantify more, deliver more confidence and greater insights with even more productivity.

The Thermo Scientific FAIMS Pro Duo interface extends orthogonal selectivity to a broad range of applications, increasing experimental signal-to-noise ratios, expanding sample coverage, and maximizing throughput while reducing time-consuming sample preparation steps.

Identifying, characterizing, and quantifying compounds of interest by mass spectrometry relies on the acquisition of high-quality MS and MSn data in increasingly complex samples. The FAIMS Pro Duo interface improves the analytical performance of next-generation mass spectrometers through gas-phase fractionation resulting in selectivity enhancement of target compound classes. The reduction in spectral complexity and increased signal-to-noise ratios for target analytes results in greater sample coverage and higher data confidence, regardless of the chromatographic flow rates or loading amounts.

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FAIMS Pro Interface
Enabling high-throughput screening

The ever-increasing molecular complexity of biotherapeutics demands innovative analytical techniques which facilitate confident and complete characterization. With the option to extend the mass range up to m/z 8000, the Thermo Scientific BioPharma option enables characterization of intact proteins under both native or denaturing conditions, in addition to top and middle-down through to peptide mapping studies.

Not only does this instrument flexibility increase the range of experiments that can be performed (for example, by combining traditional non-MS techniques with HRAM MS, such as charge variant and aggregation studies), greater insights into these biotherapeutics are obtained within a single run, therefore increasing throughput and productivity whilst still maintaining the highest quality spectral information with the speed, mass accuracy and quality synonymous with Thermo Scientific Orbitrap technology.

Data processing is simplified using Thermo Scientific BioPharma Finder software which allows complete biotherapeutic characterization, from intact analysis, top- and middle-down through to peptide mapping, through simple templated processing workflows. Additionally, information can be shared or directly transferred through to Thermo Scientific Chromeleon Chromatography Data System (CDS) software when you require compliance tools or to run within an enterprise environment.

Maximum insights for intact denatured and native protein analysis

With high-resolution and sensitivity, it becomes simple to resolve protein modifications such as glycoforms, conjugations and isoforms using either intact native or denatured conditions to deliver maximum structural insights.

Maximum insights for intact denatured and native protein analysis

With sub 10-ppm mass accuracy being constantly achieved across runs, regardless of the concentrations being used (left) you can be confident in your data analysis, for example (right) confirm the glycoform profile under native and denatured conditions with exceptional data quality and spectral clarity to simplify interpretation.

Complex therapeutic protein analysis simplified with native MS

An example would be the analysis of an IgG mixture of six therapeutic proteins with a range of glycosylation patterns; glycosylation is a key post translational modification requiring deep characterization and mapping. The use of Cation Ion Exchange chromatography (CIEX-MS) with native MS detection not only allows for separation of the charge variants but also provides very clear spectra aiding rapid and confident identification of each glycoform.

Complex therapeutic protein analysis simplified with native MS

An example of CIEX-MS analysis of a complex IgG mixture containing six different therapeutic proteins, clearly showing the separation power of cation exchange chromatography coupled with the resolving power and simplified spectral information from native MS (compared to denaturing conditions) allowing the confident identification of each glycoform. This highlights the amount of information that can be achieved within a single analysis through coupling methods that were traditionally incompatible with MS and using the extended mass range to facilitate native analysis.

Reliable host cell protein analysis

Many recombinant biotherapeutics are produced using non-human host cells, such as Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines. To ensure safety and efficacy of any potential therapeutic, endogenous proteins or host cell proteins (HCPs) must be removed post-harvest. This means that prior to the release of any biotherapeutic, HCP levels must be monitored requiring the confident and sensitive detection of low ppm HCPs.

The Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS provides excellent sensitivity over a large dynamic range, down to sub 1-ppm, combined with high-resolution and accurate mass required for confident identifications. From simplified sample preparation through to reliable results, the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS combines with a range of solutions to provide a rapid, robust and reliable workflow for HCP identification, detection and quantitation.

Reliable Host Cell Diagram

Intact bio-therapeutics are rapidly and reproducibility digested using the Thermo Scientific SMART Digest kits, and can be fully automated with the Thermo Scientific KingFisher Duo Prime. Rapid separations are performed with a Thermo Scientific Acclaim VANQUISH C18 column on the Thermo Scientific Vanquish Horizon UHPLC. Detection with fragmentation to support identification with the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS generates the high quality data required for confident identification and quantitation which is processed using Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer software, with peptide sequence coverage being assessed with Thermo Scientific BioPharma Finder software.

Data analysis made easy

From complex proteomic challenges, quantitation with SureQuant and TMT multiplexing, through to complete biotherapeutic characterization, data analysis doesn’t have to be the bottleneck to accessing deeper insights into your high-quality MS data. Despite the numerous workflows involved in the analysis of proteins, there are flexible analysis tools which allow simple, yet confident, interpretation of your data to streamline your research and facilitate decision making to take your research to the next level.

Proteomics research requires more than just simple identification. Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer software offers a full suite of analysis tools with the flexibility to address multiple research workflows, and an easy-to-use, wizard-driven interface. Confidently interpret your data with sophisticated statistical and visualization tools unique to Proteome Discoverer software and utilize third-party algorithms to take your analysis to the next level.

Recommended for the following workflows:

  • Iterative search strategies
  • Multi-search engine comparison
  • Glycopeptide identification and quantification
  • Phosphopeptide ID and quantification
  • Top-down proteomics
  • Cross-linking

Complete protein characterization can be challenging, whether you are performing intact protein mass analysis, top- and middle-down analysis, peptide mapping or multi-attribute method (MAM) workflows. Access workflows to facilitate comprehensive interpretation and data visualization, confidently characterizing your biologics with speed and ease. Thermo Scientific BioPharma Finder software helps you choose the right path for confident protein characterization, and allows the direct transfer of peptide mapping results and intact mass deconvolution processing parameters to Thermo Scientific Chromeleon CDS software for compliance readiness.

Recommended for the following workflows:

  • Intact analysis
  • Top-down and middle-down analysis
  • Peptide mapping
  • Multi-attribute method (MAM)

Confidently characterize, monitor and simplify your BioPharma QC analyses

Chromeleon CDS streamlines the analysis and quantitation of intact proteins is an integral part of the Thermo Scientific™ HR Multi-Attribute Method (HR MAM) workflow. The Chromeleon CDS Intact Protein Deconvolution (IPD) workflow is based on BioPharma Finder software, as the HR MAM workflow utilizes information from BioPharma Finder to drive compliant characterization and monitoring of peptides and allows critical quality attributes to be monitored within Chromeleon software. Both workflows are tightly integrated with the compliance, reporting, and other functionality of Chromeleon software.

Learn more  Download brochure

Target applications for Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer

Maximize your return on investment in a unified Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry architecture from data acquisition and analysis solutions

Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer ordering guides

Velocity LFQ DIA workflow on an Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer

Image of LFQ DIA workflow technical note

Learn about the qualitative and quantitative performance of the Velocity LFQ DIA workflow an Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS for large-scale proteomics analysis.


Brochure: Go Beyond - Limited samples to single-cell proteomics


At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we’re proud to partner with life science innovators who are transforming the future of human health. Every single day.


Single-cell proteomics is now a reality

Single-cell proteomics is now a reality

By collaborating with the scientific community, Thermo Fisher Scientific has developed innovations that allow you to move away from bulk sample to single-cell proteomics analysis.

The latest generation Thermo Scientific mass spectrometers deliver more proteins per cell, from tens to hundreds of cells per day from cell populations, cell types and states, on a cell-to-cell basis, generating maximum insights.


Posters and poster notes
