Luminaris probe qPCR master mixes

Thermo Scientific Luminaris Color Probe and Luminaris Probe qPCR Master Mixes are universal ready-to-use solutions optimized for qPCR. The master mixes include Thermo Scientific Hot Start Taq DNA polymerase which ensures PCR specificity and sensitivity. dUTP and uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) are included in the mix for carry-over contamination control. The Luminaris Color Probe Master Mixes are supplemented with an inert blue dye and a separate Yellow Sample Buffer that contains a yellow dye. The qPCR reaction mix containing both components is green allowing easy  monitoring of pipetting steps.

Maxima probe qPCR master mixes

Thermo Scientific Maxima Probe qPCR Master Mixes  are ready-to-use solutions optimized for qPCR. The master mixes include Thermo Scientific Maxima Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase in an optimized PCR buffer. dUTP is included in the mix for optional carry-over contamination control using UDG.

DyNAmo Flash probe qPCR kits

Thermo Scientific DyNAmo ColorFlash Probe and DyNAmo Flash Probe qPCR Kits are the perfect choice for fast probe-based qPCR. The optimized reagents and extremely short cycling times deliver maximum speed thus increasing sample throughput. Significant time savings are achieved with both conventional and fast real-time PCR instruments. DyNAmo ColorFlash Probe qPCR kits are supplemented with an inert blue dye and a separate Yellow Sample Buffer that contains a yellow dye. The qPCR reaction mix containing both components is green allowing easy  monitoring of pipetting steps.

ABsolute qPCR mixes

Thermo Scientific ABsolute Blue and ABsolute qPCR Mixes are optimized for probe-based qPCR. They include Thermo Scientific Thermo-Start DNA Polymerase for increased sensitivity.  ABsolute Blue qPCR Mixes incorporate an inert blue dye to enhance the contrast between reagent and plastic making verification of master mix dispensing quick and easy.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.