Reduce analysis time and increase reproducibility by automating sample preparation for your chromatography analyses. Our automated sample preparation solutions include solvent extraction, solid-phase extraction, and fully automated accelerated solvent extraction and evaporation systems.

Clean, easy-to-read chromatographic data comes from using the appropriate techniques to prepare your samples before chromatographic analysis. Sample preparation can remove interfering compounds to minimize noise in your data or it can enrich your sample for analytes of interest so they are sure to stand out in your results. Additionally, preparation may include concentrating or drying your sample. The best sample preparation technique depends upon your sample.

Fully automated accelerated solvent extraction and evaporation

Perform fully automated sample preparation for solid and semi-solid samples. The EXTREVA ASE system combines ASE technology, in-cell cleanup and automated concentration/evaporation.

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Automated solid-phase extraction (SPE)

Extract trace organics from liquid samples using a fully automated SPE process. The compounds of interest are trapped on SPE sorbents, then eluted using a solvent to generate a prepared sample for your analysis.

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