Accelerated solvent extraction, or ASE, is a sample preparation technique that helps generate high quality chromatographic results by using organic solvents at high temperatures and pressures to quickly and efficiently remove unwanted matrix components from your sample. The elevated temperature increases the efficiency of extracting analytes from the matrix. The increased pressure keeps the solvent liquid, even as the temperature surpasses its boiling point. The lower solvent viscosity improves the diffusion of analyte into the solvent, making extraction faster and more efficient. Ultimately, this technique supplies a cleaner sample for separation and detection of sample components during downstream chromatographic analysis, providing more accurate results.

ASE is accepted in US EPA Method 3454A for extracting PAHs and semivolatile compounds, PCBs, dioxins, furans, TPH and explosive compounds as well as in CLP OLM 04.2A for semivolatiles and pesticides.

This technique can be used to analyze food products for pesticide residues, lipids after acid hydrolysis, fat and additive content, and flavor profiles. It can also be used to help verify that supplements like St. John’s wort, echinacea, and ginko biloba meet industry guidelines.

Instruments can be used to automate the ASE process, mitigating variability inherent in manual sample preparation and ensuring reproducible results. Automation makes ASE a fast, safe and easy process. Where traditional techniques like Soxhlet and sonication take 8-10 hours and hundreds of milliliters of solvent, automated ASE requires just 15-30 minutes and 10-30 mL of solvent, depending on the application, and allows samples to be extracted overnight.

Introduction to Accelerated Solvent Extraction Technique

Common applications of accelerated solvent extraction

Environmental samples

  • Pesticides/herbicides
  • PAHs/semivolatiles
  • PCBs
  • Dioxins/furans
  • TPH (DRO)
  • Explosives
  • Air sampling cartridges
  • Brominated flame retardants

Pharmaceutical samples

  • Active ingredients
  • Drug delivery devices/packaging

Polymer samples

  • Oils/organic acids
  • Xylene solubles
  • Polymer additives

Food samples

  • Vitamins/antibiotics
  • Contaminants
  • Natural products
  • Pesticides/herbicides
  • Pesticide residues
  • Fats/lipids
  • Herbal/dietary supplements

Consumer products

  • Detergents
  • Paper and pulp
  • Biofuels
  • Textiles and fibers

Thermo Scientific EXTREVA ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor

The EXTREVA ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor is the the first fully automated sample preparation instrument for solid and semi-solid samples. With sample extraction, in-cell cleanup and evaporation in one seamless operation, it reduces manual labor from hours to minutes and increases your efficiency and productivity.

Learn more

Thermo Scientific Dionex ASE 350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor

Automating sample extraction virtually eliminates the variability of manual sample preparation, ensuring consistent, reproducible results from your chromatographic analyses. The Dionex ASE 350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor automates extraction, filtration, and clean-up of compounds from solid and semi-solid samples.

Learn more


Introducing the Thermo Scientific EXTREVA ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor

Learn how combining automated sample extraction and evaporation can save your lab time and money, while reducing the need for solvents.

Extraction and determination of surfactants in different matrices

Dr. Davide Mariani reviews automated surfactant extraction for analysis and quantitation of some of the most challenging environmental compounds.

Simultaneous extractions of PAHs and PCBs using ASE

Highlights of the Thermo Scientific Dionex ASE 350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor system

Faster environmental sample analysis with accelerated solvent extraction

Accelerated solvent extraction is a powerful automated sample preparation system to prepare solid samples for organic contaminant analysis.

Increasing pesticides extraction efficiency for wet samples

Learn how MAP-accelerated solvent extraction can help improve the extraction efficiency of pesticides from high water content samples.

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