Capillary HPLC Columns

High sensitivity capillary HPLC for biomolecules

Use these capillary reversed phase (RP) columns for high-sensitivity HPLC-UV or LC/MS characterization of intact proteins in top-down proteomics applications where sample amount is critical.

  • Intact proteins in top-down proteomics applications
  • Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), fragments, variants, antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)
  • Bio-specific proteins

Thermo Scientific capillary HPLC Columns for biomolecules

Thermo Scientific capillary HPLC columns have excellent resolution, long column lifetime, and low carry-over.

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Nano & Capillary Emitters

Roland Bruderer, Principal Scientist, R&D, at Biognosys AG speaks about MAbPac RP 4 μm Stand Alone and EASY-Spray LC columns and nano and capillary flow emitters.

Erwin Schoof, Head of Proteomics Core at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) speaks about MAbPac RP capillary stand alone and EASY-Spray LC columns and nano and capillary flow emitters.

Style Sheet for Global Design System
Style Sheet for Komodo Tabs