basal cells or basal keratinocytes

Our Primary Human Keratinocyte Cell Cultures are optimized to synthesize keratinocyte cells, the predominant cell type in the epidermis. The keratinocytes found in the basal layer or stratum germinativum of the skin are sometimes referred to as basal cells or basal keratinocytes.

Primary Human Keratinocyte Cells adult (HEKa)
Primary Human Keratinocyte Cells neonatal (HEKn)

  • > 500,000 cells/vial cryopreserved at the end of the 1' culture
  • > 70% viability
  • > 25 population doublings HEKa (adult)
  • > 30 population doublings HEKn (neonatal)
  • Optimized for superior performance over the leading competitors

Phase contrast images of Human Epidermal Keratinocytes (HEKa) grown in culture

HEKa cells grown in EpiLife (M-EPI-500-CA) with the addition of Human Keratinocyte Growth Supplement (HKGS). First culture after thaw.

HEKa cells grown in EpiLife

Get more life out of you cells

Keratinocyte Cell Culture Graph

Gibco EpiLife serum-free cell culture medium

  • Defined, animal origin-free medium
  • Extends the in vitro lifespan of primary cells up to two times compared to other serum-free media
  • Ease of use with single-shot supplementation

Figure 1. Normal neonatal human keratinocytes (HEKn) (C-001-5C) were grown in EpiLife medium and in a keratinocyte medium from a leading competitor. Cultures grown in EpiLife medium demonstrated population doublings over an extended period compared to cells grown in the competitor's medium.

Keratinocyte product selection guide

If you'd like to culture your cells....Then choose:
  • in an animal-product free (APF) environment
  • for an extended lifespan
  • in a chemically-defined environment
  • for an extended lifespan
  • in a bovine pituitary extract (BPE)–containing environment
  • for an extended lifespan
  • in a bovine pituitary extract (BPE)–containing environment
  • for a standard lifespan

leaf icon Sustainable solutions

We are committed to delivering products that serve the research needs of our customers, while striving to develop them in a way that minimizes our use of natural resources and our impact on the environment.

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