La reprogramación de células somáticas a células madre pluripotentes inducidas es un paso esencial y que potencialmente requiere mucho tiempo en la investigación con células madre. Es por eso que ofrecemos opciones de tecnologías y servicios de reprogramación sin integración que se ajustan a sus necesidades y recursos de investigación: puede hacerlo usted mismo o dejar que lo hagamos por usted.

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Ahora disponible:medio Essential 6™ para reprogramación sin dosificador

Which reprogramming product or service is right for you?

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 Episomal iPSC Reprogramming Vectors*Epi5™ Episomal iPSC Reprogramming Kit**CytoTune®-iPS Sendai Reprogramming KitCytoTune®-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit
DescriptionProven technology for viral-free iPSC generationHigh efficiency viral-free system requiring no small moleculesEfficient generation of integration-free iPSCs from multiple somatic cell typesHighest efficiency integration-free reprogramming system
Reprogramming Efficiency 0.002–0.08%0.04–0.3%0.01-0.5%0.02 – 1.2%
Genes UtilizedThomson/Yamanaka factorsYamanaka factors +Lin28Yamanaka factorsYamanaka factors
Method & Medium for Reprogramming FibroblastsElectroporation using Neon® in N2/B-27 Medium + small moleculesElectroporation using Neon® in N2/B-27 MediumAdd CytoTune® to cells in fibroblast mediumAdd CytoTune® 2.0 to cells in fibroblast medium
iPSC Growth MediumDay 15: Transfer to Essential 8™ MediumDay 15: Transfer to Essential 8™ MediumDay 7: Transfer to Essential 8™ Medium or KnockOut™ Serum Replacement supplemented mediumDay 7: Transfer to Essential 8™ Medium or KnockOut™ Serum Replacement supplemented medium
Genomic Integration-free
Virus-free Reprogramming   
Blood Cell Reprogramming
Transfection Products Neon® Transfection System or similar deviceNeon® Transfection System or Lipofectamine® 3000NoneNone
Available in CellModel™ Services 
Viral Clearance N/AN/AUp to 15 passagesUp to 5 passages
Reporter Available N/AN/ACytoTune®-EmGFP Sendai Fluorescence ReporterCytoTune®-EmGFP Sendai Fluorescence Reporter

*Commercialized in Partnership with Cellular Dynamics International.
**Designed by Dr. Okita in the laboratory of Professor Yamanaka at the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University