Explore the “Getting Started” and “Troubleshooting” sections for solutions to top inquiries and common problems. Browse through the “Guides and Tools” section to access comprehensive product-related support resources.

Guides and Tools

Search our database for Product Documents: Manuals, Vector Maps, Citations and References
Search our database for Quality and Safety Documents: MSDS, COA

Custom siRNA (Silencer® and Silencer® Select)

  • GeneAssist™ Custom siRNA Builder: Design and order custom sequences, or search our database for Silencer® and Silencer® Select siRNAs. Click on “siRNA” to search our database for Silencer® Select siRNA, Ambion® in vivo siRNA, Stealth RNAi® siRNA, and unmodified siRNA.

Pre-designed and validated siRNA (Silencer®, Silencer® Select, and Stealth RNAi®)

  • Silencer® Select Pre-Designed, Validated siRNA: Use our tool to find pre-designed or validated Silencer® Select siRNA. Click on “siRNA” and then “Silencer® Select siRNA”, then enter the species targeted and target information. For Silencer® Pre-Designed siRNA, click on “siRNA” and then “Unmodified siRNA”.

In vivo pre-designed siRNA

  • In vivo RNAi siRNA: Design and order custom Ambion® in vivo siRNA or Stealth RNAi® siRNA for in vivo experiments.

Custom in vivo:

Custom designed Stealth RNAi® siRNA

  • BLOCK-iT™ RNAi Designer: Design and order custom sequences against your targets for both synthetic Stealth RNAi® siRNA and siRNA, or vector-based Stealth RNAi® products, including miR RNAi and shRNA.

Pre-designed and validated Stealth RNAi® siRNA

  • BLOCK-iT™ RNAi Express: Order bench-tested Validated Stealth RNAi® siRNA, ready-to-order Stealth Select RNAi siRNA, and ready-to-clone BLOCK-iT™ miR RNAi Select.

Stealth RNAi® siRNA in vivo

  • Synthetics for in vivo RNAi: Order synthetic Stealth RNAi® siRNA or BLOCK-iT™ siRNA for in vivo RNAi, or 5’ fluorescently labeled siRNA.


  • Mimics and inhibitors: Find pre-designed miRNA or order custom miRNA analysis products for mirVana™ miRNA inhibitors & mimics, Ambion® Anti-miR™ miRNA inhibitors, and Ambion® Pre-miR™ miRNA precursors.
  • miRBase: The microRNA database.

Plate and library orders

  • DailyCalcs: Calculate molarity, dilution, molecular weight, and more with this calculator.
  • CloningBench: An app designed to provide you with useful tools to help guide your cloning experiments.

RNAi Services

Let our Custom siRNA Services team help you with your RNAi experiments. Learn about our custom RNAi synthesis and special siRNA modification or synthesis-scale offerings.

Custom Gene Synthesis

Gene synthesis outperforms traditional cloning by providing fast turnaround times and guaranteed sequence accuracy. Construct design and optimization services are also available in order to fine-tune the expression of your gene(s) of interest.