
Solutions that help strengthen your supply chain and market position

Food safety is an important consideration for consumers, and food derived from animals presents unique safety challenges. In particular, there are diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans (zoonotic diseases), which place an increased responsibility on producers, manufacturers, and food retailers to ensure adequate food safety throughout the entire supply chain.

Our integrated approach to food safety monitoring begins with animal production, which must take into account possible hazards that can expose animals to pathogens at various stages (farm, transport, processing), and each link in the chain must do its part to reduce consumer risk.

A comprehensive approach that helps ensure meat safety

The Applied Biosystems harvest panel consists of diagnostic tests for the detection of the most relevant zoonotic pathogens in pigs and ruminants at slaughter. This meat harvest panel gives you the additional data you require to help better protect your supply chain. It consists of individual tests that are inexpensive, rapid, and simple to run. Additionally, the tests can be integrated, so that multiple sampling is not necessary, and common equipment can be used.

Helps improve quality & efficiency

Meat producers do everything in their power to introduce healthy animals into their supply chain.  The meat harvest panel helps you to:

  • Detect whether animals at the farm have been in contact with unwanted microorganisms.
  • Verify the biosecurity at the farm.
  • Take corrective action.

Helps reduce your costs


Comprehensive biosecurity data helps protect your supply chain, business, and customers against food recalls.  The meat harvest panel can help:

  • Reduce the risk of recalls related to zoonotic agents
  • Ensure that animals reach their slaughter weight earlier, saving feed and medication costs

Helps increase your profits

Positioning your product and satisfying evolving food safety demands are critical to ensuring your profitability in today’s competitive global meat market.  The panel:

  • Helps you deliver a safer, higher-quality food product to market at a premium price
  • Opens new market segments

Meat safety by the numbers. We've partnered with leading European slaughterhouses to implement the harvest concept within their supply chains, enabling them to reduce their chance of zoonotic-related recalls by 90%, and establish clear competitive advantage.

Top zoonotic pathogens account for $14 billion in annual lost revenue*Average cost of recalls is $250K per 1 million pigs slaughtered per year*Slow-growing pigs can cost up to $7.50 per pig for additional feed costs

The additional data you require to help better protect your value chain

An experienced and established partner

We work closely with our customers to develop and implement diagnostic test solutions that address the unique needs of our customers and changing regulatory requirements. Our comprehensive portfolio of diagnostic tests provides a wide range of ELISA assays for risk-based food safety testing, which currently includes the following solutions:


Ordering information

If you have questions about our harvest solutions, or would like to receive additional information, please click the button to the left to contact a member of our product specialist team.

For Veterinary Use Only. For In Vitro Use Only.  Regulatory requirements vary by country; product may not be available in your geographic area.* Estimation by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. ** Swiss Re Report & Pozo VF and Schroeder TC (2015) Utah State University Fact Sheet. † Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI, 2011), "Does it Pay to Take Pigs to Heavy Slaughter Weights?"

For Veterinary Use Only. For In Vitro Use Only. Regulatory requirements vary by country; products may not be available in your geographic area.