
During the HIDS conference we unveiled our newest NGS solution specifically designed for forensic casework, the Applied Biosystems™ Precision ID NGS system for human identification. The system includes new panels for SNP Analysis, STR and mtDNA sequencing, as well as the automated sample preparation on the Ion Chef™ System and rapid sequencing capabilities on the Ion S5™ System making it the ideal solution for the adoption of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in any forensic lab.

We also showcased the new version of the successful Applied Biosystems™ 3500 Genetic Analyzer for HID, the standard CE technology that has now got better.

To be used with the 3500 Genetic Analyzer, we announced the development of the Applied Biosystems™ NGM Detect™ PCR Amplification Kit, a new CE STR kit developed with the European standards which enables a dual-amplification kit strategy when partnered with the Applied Biosystems™ NGM Select kit.

You can now find out more about the products you discovered at HIDS2016 by browsing each section below and where suitable might benefit from promotional offers related to our new offerings.

Announcing the NGM Detect™ PCR amplification Kit: a new 6-dye kit specially developed for users who require loci based on ENFSI and EDNAP requirements.

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We are committed to helping you get more answers from your samples with our integrated capillary electrophoresis–next-generation sequencing (CE-NGS) forensic workflow solutions.

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Adopting MPS (massively parallel sequencing) for forensic DNA analysis in your laboratory is now simple.  Introducing the Applied Biosystems™ Precision ID NGS system for human identification.

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Streamline your forensic data management workflows including kinship and paternity analysis with Applied Biosystems™ Converge™ software, a comprehensive forensic analysis platform that adapts to the way you work.

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Y chromosome biomarkers are an essential tool in sexual assault investigation; adopt these in your lab with our special promotional pack.

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New Applied Biosystems™ Precision ID panels for forensically targeted markers such as STRs, SNPs, or the mtDNA genome.

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All products cited above are for Research, Forensic or Paternity Use Only. When used for purposes other than Human Identification, the instruments and software modules cited are for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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