
Step 1: Isolate and grow

Media | Supplements | Substrates | Cell lines

Our broad neural cell offering includes mouse, rat, and human neural primary and stem cells, as well as accompanying Gibco media and supplements. All of our products have been developed to work together for optimal performance and to create complete neuronal, glial, and neural stem cell culture systems.

Learn more about neural cell culture systems ›

Gibco B-27 Plus Neuronal Culture System

The Gibco B-27 Plus Neuronal Culture System is a next-generation media system consisting of B27Plus Supplement and Neurobasal Plus increasing the survival of neurons by more than 50%.

The system offers:

  • Increases survival of neurons in culture by more than 50%—the highest in the industry
  • Accelerates neurite outgrowth and increases the number of synaptic-positive puncta
  • Improves neuronal maturation and functionality

Step 2: Modify

Transfection | Reprogramming

Transfecting primary neurons or reprogramming stem cells can be challenging due to low efficiencies. Low efficiencies result in additional work downstream. Improve your outcomes with the right reagents and protocols for your cells. 

Learn more about transfection methods & products ›

Common mRNA transfection myths debunked

Myth 1: mRNA is unstable and degrades quickly, requiring special handling

  • A few simple precautions can help ensure mRNA stability: use RNase-free reagents and tips, aliquot and store mRNA at –80°C, and keep mRNA on ice when in use

Myth 2: mRNA is difficult to prepare

  • The Invitrogen mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 Ultra Transcription Kit provides 20–40 μg
    of ready-to-use mRNA
  • Once prepared, the mRNA can be safely stored for later use in multiple transfection experiments

Myth 3: Transfection is much easier to perform with DNA than mRNA

  • The protocol for Lipofectamine MessengerMAX reagent is straightforward, requiring the same
    basic steps as protocols for DNA transfection reagents, and we offer a positive control GFP mRNA that can be used to evaluate the system
  • For difficult-to-transfect nondividing or primary cells, mRNA transfection obviates the need
    for nuclear entry and improves protein expression and homogeneity

Myth 4: Exogenous mRNA elicits an immune response

  • Chemically modified mRNAs, with 5-methylcytidine and pseudouridine modifications,
    dramatically reduce innate immune response and improve mRNA translation

Neurobiology Transfection Guide

The field of neurobiology is rapidly growing, with researchers providing new insights into a variety of areas essential for human health, including memory, mood disorders, aging, and disease. As the field moves toward more physiologically relevant models such as primary neurons and small animal models, the need for new nucleic acid delivery tools is rapidly increasing. Use our helpful Neurobiology Transfection Guide to assist you in this effort.

Step 3: Analyze

Imaging | Western blotting | ELISA

We offer a diverse collection of reagents and kits for neuroscience research, including fluorescent probes for dissecting neural anatomy and function, neuronal tracers, and a vast selection of neurobiology-related primary antibodies and kits. 

Learn more about products for neurobiological research ›

Additional products and resources

Antibody-based tools for neurodegenerative disease research handbook

Get access to detailed protocols for a wide range of experimental techniques, including western blotting, immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, ELISA, and more.

Western blotting systems

Complete solutions for the western blotting workflow.

Antibodies for all applications

Over 74,000 primary and secondary antibodies ready to pair up.

Invitrogen fluorescent reagents

Trusted products with a legacy bibliography.

Step 1: Isolate and grow

Media | Supplements | Substrates | Cell lines

Our broad neural cell offering includes mouse, rat, and human neural primary and stem cells, as well as accompanying Gibco media and supplements. All of our products have been developed to work together for optimal performance and to create complete neuronal, glial, and neural stem cell culture systems.

Learn more about neural cell culture systems ›

Gibco B-27 Plus Neuronal Culture System

The Gibco B-27 Plus Neuronal Culture System is a next-generation media system consisting of B27Plus Supplement and Neurobasal Plus increasing the survival of neurons by more than 50%.

The system offers:

  • Increases survival of neurons in culture by more than 50%—the highest in the industry
  • Accelerates neurite outgrowth and increases the number of synaptic-positive puncta
  • Improves neuronal maturation and functionality

Step 2: Modify

Transfection | Reprogramming

Transfecting primary neurons or reprogramming stem cells can be challenging due to low efficiencies. Low efficiencies result in additional work downstream. Improve your outcomes with the right reagents and protocols for your cells. 

Learn more about transfection methods & products ›

Common mRNA transfection myths debunked

Myth 1: mRNA is unstable and degrades quickly, requiring special handling

  • A few simple precautions can help ensure mRNA stability: use RNase-free reagents and tips, aliquot and store mRNA at –80°C, and keep mRNA on ice when in use

Myth 2: mRNA is difficult to prepare

  • The Invitrogen mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 Ultra Transcription Kit provides 20–40 μg
    of ready-to-use mRNA
  • Once prepared, the mRNA can be safely stored for later use in multiple transfection experiments

Myth 3: Transfection is much easier to perform with DNA than mRNA

  • The protocol for Lipofectamine MessengerMAX reagent is straightforward, requiring the same
    basic steps as protocols for DNA transfection reagents, and we offer a positive control GFP mRNA that can be used to evaluate the system
  • For difficult-to-transfect nondividing or primary cells, mRNA transfection obviates the need
    for nuclear entry and improves protein expression and homogeneity

Myth 4: Exogenous mRNA elicits an immune response

  • Chemically modified mRNAs, with 5-methylcytidine and pseudouridine modifications,
    dramatically reduce innate immune response and improve mRNA translation

Neurobiology Transfection Guide

The field of neurobiology is rapidly growing, with researchers providing new insights into a variety of areas essential for human health, including memory, mood disorders, aging, and disease. As the field moves toward more physiologically relevant models such as primary neurons and small animal models, the need for new nucleic acid delivery tools is rapidly increasing. Use our helpful Neurobiology Transfection Guide to assist you in this effort.

Step 3: Analyze

Imaging | Western blotting | ELISA

We offer a diverse collection of reagents and kits for neuroscience research, including fluorescent probes for dissecting neural anatomy and function, neuronal tracers, and a vast selection of neurobiology-related primary antibodies and kits. 

Learn more about products for neurobiological research ›

Additional products and resources

Antibody-based tools for neurodegenerative disease research handbook

Get access to detailed protocols for a wide range of experimental techniques, including western blotting, immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, ELISA, and more.

Western blotting systems

Complete solutions for the western blotting workflow.

Antibodies for all applications

Over 74,000 primary and secondary antibodies ready to pair up.

Invitrogen fluorescent reagents

Trusted products with a legacy bibliography.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.