Same day, onsite SARS-CoV-2 air sample results

The Thermo Scientific™ Renvo™ Rapid PCR Test is used with the Thermo Scientific™ AerosolSense™ Sampler for fast and highly accurate environmental air sample results in just 30 minutes. The combination of air surveillance and PCR testing provides customers a way to monitor and test indoor air onsite for SARS-CoV-2.

Intended for environmental surveillance use only and not for diagnostic purposes.
  • SARS-CoV-2 results in 30 minutes
  • Small, portable, easy to use design
  • Comparable sensitivity to standard lab-based PCR
  • Easy storage
  • Simple workflow: Collect sample from AerosolSense Sampler, elute sample, load sample and read results

A simple workflow

Collecting sample out of AerosolSense

Collect sample

Elute Sample

Elute sample

Loading sample into the Renvo

Load sample

Reading results from the Renvo

Read results

Starter kit components

  • Reusable dock (1), reusable stand (1) and power cord
  • Buffer* (25): single-use vial of solution containing 5 mL of buffer with dimethyl sulfoxide and < 0.01% sodium azide
  • Transfer pipette* (25): single-use, fixed volume pipette used to transfer sample from the SARS-CoV-2 Buffer vial into the test cassette.
  • SARS-CoV-2 test cassette* (25): single-use, foil-pouched with desiccant and test cassette containing lyophilized reagents for the targeted amplification and detection of viral nucleic acid
  • Cartridge adapter* (25): Single-use plastic assembly, which is threaded to the AerosolSense Sample Cartridge for elution and testing of AerosolSense Sample Cartridge collection substrate.
  • AerosolSense Sample Cartridge* (25): Single-use assembly used for collection of in-air pathogens with the AerosolSense Sampler.
  • SARS-CoV-2 high positive, low positive and negative control swab* (1 each): DNA-based synthetic oligo dried onto a swab above the limit of detection of the test or buffer solution dried onto a swab.

*Included in the Renvo test kit. AerosolSense Sampler sold separately.

The technology

Oscillating Amplification Reaction (Oscar™), proprietary PCR technology, enables rapid exponential amplification while reducing overall thermocycling times. The Renvo SARS-CoV-2 Test is a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA in approximately 30 minutes. To perform the test, the user inserts a Renvo SARS-CoV-2 test cassette into the Renvo Dock, which detects and identifies the cassette. Then the AerosolSenseTM sample cartridge (containing the air sample) is added to the SARS-CoV-2 buffer to elute the sample. An aliquot of the SARS-CoV-2 buffer containing the sample is then dispensed into the Renvo SARS-CoV-2 test cassette.

The test cassette contains internal process positive and negative controls, Oscar reagents and a detection strip necessary for the full completion of the assay. After the user loads the sample into the test cassette and closes the Renvo Dock lid, embedded firmware in the dock controls fluid flow of the sample into the various chambers of the cassette, applies controlled voltage signals to the various cassette heaters (monitored by sensors within the dock) and provides visual status to the user with critical information, such as estimated time to read results.

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AerosolSense Sampler sold separately


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