Surface Water Analysis

Explore our surface water analysis solutions

Leading technology and customised solutions for inland and coastal water monitoring

We offer a complete range of instrumentation for inland and coastal monitoring for short-term use or an extended deployment. There is a tailored solution that can be customised for every application. We partner with leading suppliers to curate the best product offering for our customers. Our application range has been developed to meet our customer’s needs, these include:

  • Surface monitoring: lakes, rivers, and estuaries
  • Coastal applications: algal bloom and saltwater intrusion studies

Introducing the Aqua TROLL 700 and 800

The Aqua TROLL 700 and 800 are brand-new additions to the Aqua TROLL range, filled with technology advancements that support your current and future needs. With a 6 sensor-sonde and a 7-sensor port, your analysis options are almost endless. Functional and supportive of your needs, they share the same eco-system of accessories and sensors as the 500 and 600 series.

With some extraordinary new features including:  

  • Combats fouling issues with wiper system and built in restrictor calibration cup 
  • Aqua TROLL 700/800 are smart sensors and hold their calibration
  • Built in SDI-12 and Modbus communication protocols for seamless integration into 3rd party telemetry devices 

Water quality instrumentation for surface water

In-Situ has a multiparameter sonde for every application and budget. The Aqua TROLL 400 is an entry-level sonde with fixed sensors. The Aqua TROLL 500 and 600 can be customised to your application and are suitable for short-term spot-checking or long-term deployments. The Aqua TROLL 700 and 800 are a 7-port, 6 sensor-sonde that share the same eco-system of accessories and sensors as the 500 and 600 series. 

These instruments are capable of measuring the standard parameter set of pH/ORP, optical dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, and turbidity as well as ISEs including ammonium nitrate chloride for nutrient monitoring and Fluorometers such as Chlorophyll A, Phycocyanin (BGA-PC), Phycoerythrin (BGA-PE), FDOM, Crude Oil, Rhodamine WT and Fluoroscein WT. 


The Bluetooth wireless TROLL Com is compatible with Android and iOS devices and features a barometric pressure sensor to compensate for atmospheric pressure. With an expected battery life of 80 hours.

Algae analysis

The monitoring of harmful algal blooms has become more important than ever. We have wide range optically compensated, fluorometers such as Chlorophyll A and Blue Green Algae in a range of formats that include portable and on-line instrumentation, as well as indications of toxicity via toximeters that are suitable for every environment.


Explore our range

Explore our range of algae monitoring solutions below. 

*Please note: bbe Moldaenke products are available in Australia only.

The In-Situ Aqua TROLL 500 and 600 Fluorometers utilise a patented integrated optical compensation technology that prevents instrument drift and provide more stability at lower detection limits for better data overall. Standard sensors include Rhodamine WT, Chlorophyll A, Phycocyanin (BGA-PC), and Phycoerythrin (BGA-PE) Sensors.

bbe AlgaeTorch

The bbe AlgaeTorch is a light, handheld measuring instrument for the simultaneous detection of the chlorophyll-a of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) and the total chlorophyll-a content of all microalgae present in the water. This allows for switch on–dip in–read off results in less than 15 seconds with no sample-taking or preparation.

bbe BenthoTorch

The bbe BenthoTorch is a handheld measuring instrument that measures in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence in situ on different substrates such as stones or sediments without any sample preparation. Get results in 20 seconds. The BenthoTorch calculates biomass on the basis of chlorophyll-a content and determines the distribution of the different algal classes.

bbe FluoroProbe III

The bbe FluoroProbe III is a highly sensitive, field deployable (to 100 m, 1,000 m optionaI) instrument for the in vivo analysis of chlorophyll in real microalgae and blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) with individual profiles for the different algal classes. It includes active compensation for humic substances plus optional automatic turbidity correction. The optional Hydro-Wiper unit prevents biofouling when deployed from moored platforms.

bbe PhycoProbe

The bbe PhycoProbe has the capability of the Fluoroprobe III plus measurement of the amount of unbound phycocyanin (free PC) which reflects the release of blue-green algae contents like toxins as well as flavours and odorous substances.

bbe 10cells

The bbe 10cells is a highly sensitive portable instrument for checking ballast water in ships. This product is 10 times more sensitive than the limit required by the IMO (International Maritime Organization) and up to 100 times more sensitive than any other commercially available ballast water analysis instrument. Microalgae are an ideal indicator in many applications since they make up the largest part of the biomass of small organisms.

bbe AlgaeLabAnalyser

The bbe AlgaeLabAnalyser offers the simultaneous determination of chlorophyll concentrations, transmission, and optionally the photosynthetic activity of microalgae, in a 25 ml glass cuvette. The yellow substances (CDOM) correction is also used to correctly calculate the total chlorophyll content. It enables direct measurement without sample preparation by filtration or solvent.

bbe PhycoLabAnalyser

The bbe PhycoLabAnalyser has the capability of the AlgaeLabAnalyser plus measurement of the amount of unbound phycocyanin (free PC) which reflects the release of blue-green algae contents like toxins as well as flavours and odorous substances.

bbe AlgaeOnlineAnalyser

The bbe AlgaeOnlineAnalyser is deployed in measuring stations where online measurement of water quality is required for rivers, reservoirs, dams, and lakes as well as in drinking water production. Chlorophyll concentration, transmission, and (optionally) photosynthetic activity are determined simultaneously. The detection of different algal classes distinguishes it from its competitors.

bbe AlgaeGuard

The bbe AlgaeGuard allows simple and rapid determination of chlorophyll in flow-through mode. It is a “plug & play” device; measurements are automatically started using pre-defined parameters (auto-start function) or by pressing the start button on the touchscreen display. The algal classes are determined simultaneously and recorded as green algae, blue-green algae, brown algae (diatoms and dinoflagellates), or cryptophyceae.

bbe AlgaeToximeter II

The bbe AlgaeToximeter II continually monitors water for toxic substances and determines the algal classes present. Standardised algae are mixed with the sample water, and their photosynthetic activity is determined fluorometrically.


Damage to the algae–e.g. by herbicides–causes a reduction in photosynthesis and triggers an alarm above a user-defined threshold. The bbe AlgaeToximeter II works with a double sample loop for sample incubation and allows a short measuring cycle.

bbe DaphniaToximeter II

The bbe DaphniaToximeter II observes daphnia (water fleas) in a continuous flow of sample water and evaluates the occurrence of toxic substances using a sensitive alarm analysis. A CCD-camera records the behaviour of the daphnia, and the live images are evaluated by the internal PC and investigated for changes in swimming behavior. Statistically significant changes in swimming behavior trigger an alarm in the instrument.

bbe ToxProtect

The bbe ToxProtect is an automated monitoring system to protect your drinking water supply from accidental or malicious contamination by harmful substances. The ToxProtect monitors the swimming activity of fish in an aquarium fed with drinking or mains water. The use of fish to detect toxins is an established method as the test organisms react sensitively to most substances harmful to humans.

Webinar: Effective solutions for harmful algal bloom monitoring

Want to learn more about effective solutions for algae monitoring? A leading expert from the industry Brock Houston leads this on-demand webcast to provide insightful and relevant information. Created by our strategic supply partner In-Situ, this session provides relevant industry insights. Beginning with an overview of what are harmful algal blooms, issues and impacts to focus on monitoring solutions and how they can assist you. 

Fixed flow monitors

The MACE FloPro®XCi is a fixed flow and water monitoring configurable, packaged solution. Easily monitor wastewater, storm water, and industrial and environmental flows in open channels and full or partially full pipes. Integrate our product ranges seamlessly including the In-situ Aqua Troll 500, 600, 700 and 800.


Whether you need to measure flow as well as conductivity, pH, and rainfall, or utilise a downward looking ultrasonic depth sensor to measure pond levels, the FloPro XCi is fully expandable to fit your needs and is easily interfaced to telemetry/SCADA systems.



Video: Aqua TROLL 500 water quality platform