
The body of scientific literature on Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs) is as vast as the diversity of microorganisms it aims to describe. This learning guide seeks to present comprehensive but carefully curated information on the most common of these infections, with a focus on material that is most relevant to laboratory professionals. Infectious disease researchers and other front line healthcare providers may also find it useful.

This comprehensive review of viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic RTIs is divided into four chapters: Etiology and Pathophysiology, Clinical Practice, Testing Strategies and Initial Workup, and Public Health Surveillance.

Guest editors

Michael Kann, MD​Professor of Clinical Virology​Department of Infectious Diseases,​ University of Gothenburg​, Sweden
Carolina Garcia-Vidal, MD, PhDInfectious Diseases Consultant​Infectious Disease Department, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona​, Spain​
Donna M. Wolk, MHA, PhD​Division Chief​Molecular and Microbial Diagnostics and Development, Geisinger​, United States​
Catherine Hogan MD, CM, MSc ​Medical Microbiologist​British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Public Health Laboratory, Canada​

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