
Use the search bar above to easily find thousands of Invitrogen primary and secondary antibodies validated and cited for flow cytometry, IHC/IF/ICC, western blotting, ELISA, and other applications.

Learn about our antibody products


Antibodies by application

Epitope Search Tool

This advanced feature has been added to our Primary Antibody Search experience, allowing you to compare and select primary antibodies based on the potential predicted binding locations on the target protein. Take a minute and watch the video to see where to find the tool in the search area and to see how easy it is to get started.

Explore Primary Antibodies

Need a refresher on how antibodies are made?

See Antibody Production (Immunogen Preparation). Learn more

Explore our easy-to-use antibody search experience

Easily filter and compare antibodies with application and image data, using online tools such as epitope search to select and purchase with confidence.

Explore our antibody search experience:
Primary antibodies
Secondary antibodies

Discover Invitrogen Antibodies—Choose quality antibodies with confidence

Learn more about advanced verified antibodies, the applications and research areas they can be used for and how to select one for your research.

Learn more about Advanced Verification antibodies

Accelerate and elevate your research with validated antibodies by Invitrogen

Thermo Fisher Scientific leads the way in antibody validation excellence. Elevate your research with our unmatched collection of antibodies, rigorous validation, and commitment to high standards across several research application. Thermo Fisher Scientific. Choose quality with confidence.

Learn more about Antibody Validation

Related antibodies categories

Experimental design tools

Browse tools that will help with the design of your experiment.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.