pre-clinical and clinical drug testing

Leading technologies for clinical drug trials

The characterization of drug metabolites is an integral part of the discovery and development of new pharmaceutical compounds. High resolution accurate mass based LC/MS technology has become the leading technology for metabolite profiling, identification and quantification by offering high specificity and accuracy.

Learn how our leading technologies can simplify your clinical drug testing workflows.

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Featured pre-clinical and clinical drug testing categories

Meet our range of triple quadrupole mass spectrometers and compliant software systems that deliver results directly into our market leading LIMS for clinical studies.

Therapeutic proteins demand a new way of thinking about bioanalysis. High resolution accurate mass spectrometry from Orbitrap-based systems delivers a new degree of performance for bioanalysis of biotherapeutic drugs.

The wide variety of potential metabolites at trace levels in complex biological fluids demand instrumentation with exceptional selectivity and mass accuracy for the identification of unknown metabolites.

Access valuable materials from Virtual LCMS Conference Designed for the Masses: your fast track to confident results ›