Biotin-Binding Affinity Resins, 87739 High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose

We offer a variety of resins for the purification of biotinylated or desthiobiotinylated proteins, peptides, and other molecules. These resins are available in multiple pack sizes, as well as in spin columns, kits, and coated plates for some ligands. Select products based on avidin, streptavidin, NeutrAvidin™, or CaptAvidin™ proteins.

  • Product choice—a variety of biotin binding choices to meet your purification needs
  • High performance—resins that maximize binding capacity and elution conditions
  • Flexible—available in multiple pack sizes

Choose the right biotin-binding resin for your experiment

 Avidin AgaroseStreptavidin AgaroseStreptavidin Agarose HCNeutrAvidin AgaroseNeutrAvidin Agarose HCMonomeric Avidin Agarose
Biotin binding sites444441
Binding capacity (biotinylated BSA)≥20 µg/mL biotin1–3 mg/mL>10 mg/mL1–2 mg/mL>8 mg/mL>1.2 mg/mL
Nonspecific bindingHighLowerLowerLowestLowestLow
Elution conditionsHarshHarshHarshHarshHarshMild
 20219 (5 mL), 20225 (5 x 5 mL)20347 (2 mL), 20349 (5 mL), 20353 (10 mL)20357 (2 mL), 20359 (5 mL), 20361 (10 mL)29200 (5 mL), 29201 (10 mL)29202 (5 mL), 29204 (10 mL)20228 (5 mL), 20267 (10 mL)

Need a coated microplate to capture biotinylated molecules for ELISA development and other plate-based assays?

We also offer a wide range of biotinylation reagents for proteins, peptides, antibodies, and other molecules.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.