Absolute Quantitation of mRNA Species Using Northern Blotting, Nuclease Protection Assays and RT-PCR - Technical Bulletin #165

Detect Rare Transcripts - TechNotes 9(2)
Description: Reduce Northern blot exposure times from days to hours by pushing blot hybridizations towards completion

Get More From Your Blots with ULTRAhyb Technology - TechNotes 14(2)
Description: Here we show that by selecting a more sensitive hybridization buffer, the percentage of target molecules that hybridize to probe on a Northern blot can be significantly increased.

Increasing Sensitivity in Northern Analysis with RNA Probes
- Technical Bulletin #168

Membrane Transfer and Crosslinking for RNA - Technical Bulletin #169

Northern Analysis: Faster and Better - TechNotes 11(2)
Description: Decrease hybridization and exposure time with ULTRAhyb Ultrasensitive Hybridization Buffer.

Practical Tips for Optimal Northern Analysis - Technical Bulletin #179

Premade, RNase-free Northern Reagents - TechNotes 9(1)
Description: Increase Northern sensitivity by limiting degradation of probe and of RNA samples bound to your blots

Stable Markers for Northern Analysis - TechNotes 8(4)
Description: Markers provided in formamide for increased RNase resistance.

Strategies for Detecting mRNA - TechNotes 6(3)
Description: A comparison of Northerns, nuclease protection assays, in situ hybridization and RT-PCR for detecting mRNA

Tools for Blot Hybridization - TechNotes 7(3)
Description: Maximize sensitivity, increase data quality, and increase blot lifespans

Ultrasensitive Hybridization Buffer | Detect Rare Transcripts

Use of Internal and External Standards or Reference RNAs for Accurate Quantitation of RNA Levels - Technical Bulletin #151