Beryllium • Alkaline Earth Metal

Primary XPS region: Be1s
Overlapping regions: Cu3s, Ni3s, Au5s
Binding energies of common chemical states:

Chemical stateBinding energy Be1s
CuxBey, as received113.3 eV
CuxBey,Ar+ cleaned112.5 eV


Experimental information

  • The Be1s peak has very low sensitivity.
    • Use large number (50) of scans when acquiring Be1s spectrum.


Interpretation of XPS spectra

  • There are no beryllium secondary peaks to assist in confirmation.
    • It is difficult to confidently assign Be1s peak for low concentrations.


Be1s Cu3s Spectrum Received CuxBey
Beryllium • Alkaline Earth Metal
Element Crystal hex

About this element

Symbol: Be
Date of discovery: 1798
Name origin: mineral beryl
Appearance: gray
Discoverer: Nicholas Louis Vauquelin
Obtained from: beryl, chrysoberyl

Melting point: 1560 K
Boiling point: 2742 K
Density[kg/m3]: 1848
Molar volume: 4.85 × 10-6 m3/mol
Protons/Electrons: 4
Neutrons: 5
Shell structure: 2,2
Electron configuration: [He]2s2
Oxidation state: 2
Crystal structure: hexagonal

Beryllium was once known as glucinium, from the Greek word meaning sweet, thanks to the sweet tastes of its salts. It has since been found to be extremely toxic and potentially carcinogenic. Its characteristics as a stiff and lightweight material with stability over a wide temperature range make beryllium ideal for the aerospace industry in the manufacture of lightweight structural materials for high-speed aircraft, missiles, space vehicles, and communication satellites. It is also used in computer equipment, watch springs, and other instruments where light weight and rigidity are needed.


Nexsa G2 XPS

  • Micro-focus X-ray sources
  • Unique multi-technique options
  • Dual-mode ion source for monoatomic & cluster ion depth profiling
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K-Alpha XPS

  • High resolution XPS
  • Fast, efficient, automated workflow
  • Ion source for depth profiling


  • High spectral resolution
  • Multi-technique surface analysis
  • Extensive sample preparation and expansion options

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