The AB Assurance Plan is our premium repair plan, designed to maximize instrument performance and help ensure availability of critical systems. The AB Assurance Plan will help keep your laboratory running smoothly with preventive maintenance, proactive instrument monitoring, and—should one of your instruments require repair—fast response. This plan is ideal for locations like research labs, core service facilities, and low-risk hospital research environments that depend on their instruments and need to reduce the risk of production downtime.

Key features of the AB Assurance Plan include:

  • 2-day on-site response (certain restrictions apply—contact your Service and Support Representative for details.)
  • Planned maintenance
  • Highest priority Remote Service Center support
  • Remote instrument monitoring and diagnostics

Additional features of the AB Assurance Plan include:

  • On-site servicelabor
  • On-site serviceparts
  • On-site servicetravel
  • Factory-certified replacement parts
  • Engineer labor and travel included for repair visits
  • Priority technical phone support

We offer the AB Assurance Plan on the following instruments:

Real-time PCR instruments

  • 7300 Real-Time PCR System
  • 7500 Real-Time PCR System
  • 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System
  • 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System
  • ViiA 7 Real-Time PCR System
  • QuantStudio series

Next-generation sequencing instruments

  • SOLiD EZ Bead 3/4 System
  • Covaris S220 System
  • Ultra-Turrax System
  • HydroShear System
  • AB Library Builder System
  • Ion Proton Sequencer
  • Ion PGM System
  • Ion S5 Sequencer

Benchtop Devices

  • iPrep Purification Instrument
  • AutoMate Express Forensic DNA Extraction System

Flow cytometry instruments

  • Attune Acoustic Focusing Cytometer

Capillary electrophoresis instruments

  • 310 Genetic Analyzer
  • 3100 Genetic Analyzer
  • 3100-Avant Genetic Analyzer
  • 3130 Genetic Analyzer
  • 3130xl Genetic Analyzer
  • 3500 Genetic Analyzer
  • 3500xl Genetic Analyzer
  • 3730 Genetic Analyzer
  • 3730xl Genetic Analyzer
    SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer

Protein electrophoresis & western blotting instruments

  • iBright CL1000 Imager
  • iBright FL1000 Imager

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Complete list of service options and instruments serviced

For additional information on this plan and all other AB service plans, please contact Thermo Fisher Scientific at or by telephone at 800.327.3002 (toll-free in US only).