
The final part of any genetic analysis assay is the analysis and reporting.We offer a suite of software tools to assist with your laboratory’s goals. Unless otherwise noted, all software tools are for research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.

TaqMan Genotyper™ Software

A free SNP genotyping data analysis tool for use with TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays.

  • State-of-the-art genotype-calling algorithm with an intuitive user interface
  • Enhanced multiplate analysis features to meet the requirements of emerging markets and future research
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CopyCaller Software

Free software developed specifically for TaqMan Copy Number Assay data analysis.

  • Easy-to-use software with a graphical interface enables quick copy-number calculations
  • Assigns confidence values for each copy-number call and includes outlier removal function
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Variant Reporter Software

Designed for reference-based and nonreference-based analysis such as mutation detection and analysis, SNP discovery, and sequence confirmation.

  • Designed for basic and clinical researchers, for genotyping projects and secondary analysis
  • Automates variant detection, saving time and money
30 Day Demo
GeneMapper Software

GeneMapper is a flexible genotyping software package that provides DNA sizing and quality allele calls for all Applied Biosystems electrophoresis-based genotyping systems.

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LifeScope™ Software

SOLiD LifeScope™ Software uses a flexible pipeline architecture to provide maximum flexibility and easy of use for performing high-throughput data analysis for SOLiD instrument data.

  • Streamlined interface—command line and simple web-interface options provide flexibility for user preference
  • Efficient infrastructure—designed towork on offline clusters and cloud computing configurations to relieve instrument bottlenecks
  • Consolidated analysis—standard base sequence file exports enable the combination of data from multiple sequencing platforms for single project-based analysis
  • Versatile application—includes mapping, pairing, SNP finding, structural variations, and whole transcriptome analyses
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DataAssist™ Software

DataAssist™ Software is a free, easy-to-use data analysis tool that utilizes the comparative Ct (ΔΔCt) method to rapidly and accurately quantitate relative gene expression across a large number of genes and samples. You can import raw data from hundreds of plates or TaqMan arrays, and change analysis settings including selection of normalization controls and method (single or multiple control genes). It provides instant responses and fast calculations, allows normalization using multiple reference genes, and provides analysis results in content-rich tables and scalable graphic charts that are easily exported.

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RealTime StatMiner Software

Advanced data mining software for real-time PCR data analysis. RealTime StatMiner Software provides a high-powered, straightforward solution to data analysis for qPCR.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.