Circuit edit technology provides rapid prototyping of small design corrections at various points in the IC manufacturing process: after first silicon debug; for performance enhancements during yield ramp; to create a small number of functioning chips for beta developers; and to resolve reliability issues. Circuit edit engineers mill the chip to the site of the suspected defect, and then remove or deposit conductors or insulators in precise geometries-allowing IC manufacturers to validate design changes without re-spinning masks and processing additional wafers.





Life Sciences


Materials Science




Life Sciences


Materials Science



Apreo ChemiSEM System

  • Integrated SEM imaging and chemical characterization
  • Enhanced automation to simplify workflows
  • Extended source lifetime and schedulable upgrades

Helios 6 HD FIB-SEM

  • High-volume TEM sample prep
  • Maximized system utilization
  • Failure analysis and metrology

Meridian EX System

  • Novel electron beam probing
  • 10x resolution versus optical
  • <5 nm node defect localization

Hydra Bio Plasma-FIB

  • Volume EM for cryo or resin-embedded samples with 4 switchable ion species
  • Millimeter-scale slicing with high z-precision with Spin Mill Bio Method
  • Integrated light microscope for correlative targeting

Iliad (S)TEM

  • Advanced integration of EELS and SEM optics
  • Electrostatic beam blanker
  • High energy resolution electron source

Krios G4 Cryo-TEM

  • Improved ergonomics
  • Fits more easily into new and existing labs
  • Maximized productivity and automation
  • Best image quality for high-resolution 3D reconstruction

Glacios 2 Cryo-TEM

  • High-resolution structure determination tool (<3Å)
  • Unparalleled ease-of-use through AI-enhanced automation
  • Flexible modes of operation standard: SPA, tomography, MicroED

Tundra Cryo-TEM

  • Structural information at biologically relevant resolution
  • Space efficient and cost effective
  • Easy, iterative sample optimization
  • Unique AI algorithms for streamlined data collection

Spectra Ultra TEM

  • New imaging and spectroscopy capabilities on the most beam sensitive materials
  • A leap forward in EDX detection with Ultra-X
  • Column designed to maintain sample integrity

Spectra 300 TEM

  • Highest-resolution structural and chemical information at the atomic level
  • Flexible high-tension range from 30-300 kV
  • Three lens condenser system

Spectra 200 TEM

  • High-resolution and contrast imaging for accelerating voltages from 30-200 kV
  • Symmetric S-TWIN/X-TWIN objective lens with wide-gap pole piece design of 5.4 mm
  • Sub-Angstrom STEM imaging resolution from 60 kV-200 kV

Talos F200S TEM

  • Intuitive and easy-to-use automation software
  • Available with Super-X EDS for rapid quantitative chemical analysis
  • High-throughput with simultaneous multi-signal acquisition

Talos F200i TEM

  • Compact design with X-TWIN objective lens
  • Available with S-FEG, X-FEG, and X-CFEG
  • Flexible and fast EDS options for comprehensive elemental analysis

Talos F200X TEM

  • High-resolution, EDS cleanliness, and quality in 2D as well as 3D
  • X-FEG and X-CFEG available for the highest brightness and energy resolution
  • High accuracy and repeatable results with integrated Thermo Scientific Velox Software

Talos F200C TEM

  • High-contrast and high-quality TEM and STEM imaging
  • 4k x 4k Ceta CMOS camera options for large FOV and high read-out speeds
  • Large pole piece gap and multiple in situ options

Talos L120C TEM

  • High versatility and stability
  • 4k x 4k Ceta CMOS camera for speed and large FOV
  • TEM magnification range of 25X to 650kX
  • EDS and STEM options for compositional analyses

Metrios AX TEM

  • Automation options to support quality, consistency, metrology, and reduced OPEX
  • Leverages machine learning for superior autofunctions and feature recognition
  • Workflows for both in-situ and ex-situ lamella preparation

Metrios 6 (S)TEM

  • Fully Automating Semiconductor Metrology Workflows
  • Recipe-Free Automation for (S)TEM Metrology
  • Efficient Chemical Analysis

ExSolve WTP DualBeam

  • Can prepare site-specific, 20 nm thick lamellae on whole wafers up to 300 mm in diameter
  • Addresses needs requiring automated, high-throughput sampling at advanced technology nodes

Helios 5 EXL DualBeam

  • Low-voltage performance for high sample preparation quality
  • Ultra-high-resolution immersion-lens field-emission SEM column
  • Automated handling of 300 mm FOUP with EFEM (GEM300 compliant)

Helios 5 DualBeam

  • Fully automated, high-quality, ultra-thin TEM sample preparation
  • High throughput, high resolution subsurface and 3D characterization
  • Rapid nanoprototyping capabilities

Helios 5 PFIB DualBeam

  • Gallium-free STEM and TEM sample preparation
  • Multi-modal subsurface and 3D information
  • Next-generation 2.5 μA xenon plasma FIB column

Helios 5 Hydra DualBeam

  • 4 fast switchable ion species (Xe, Ar, O, N) for optimized PFIB processing of a widest range of materials
  • Ga-free TEM sample preparation
  • Extreme high resolution SEM imaging

FIB-SEM and Laser Ablation

  • All three beams have same coincident point for accurate and repeatable cut placement
  • Millimeter-scale cross sections with up to 15,000x faster material removal than a typical FIB
  • Statistically relevant deep subsurface and 3D data analysis

Arctis Cryo-Plasma-FIB

  • Correlation to light microscopy and relocation in TEM
  • High-quality lamellae with consistent thickness
  • Automated high throughput and connectivity for cryo-tomography

Aquilos 2 Cryo-FIB

  • Automation enables production of multiple lamellas
  • Target and extract your structure of interest with lift-out nano-manipulator
  • 3D visualization for high-resolution tomography

Scios 2 DualBeam

  • Full support of magnetic and non-conductive samples
  • High throughput subsurface and 3D characterization
  • Advanced ease of use and automation capabilities

Axia ChemiSEM

  • Live quantitative elemental mapping
  • High fidelity scanning electron microscopy imaging
  • Flexible and easy to use, even for novice users
  • Easy maintenance

Verios 5 XHR SEM

  • Monochromated SEM for sub-nanometer resolution over the full 1 keV to 30 keV energy range
  • Easy access to beam landing energies as low as 20 eV
  • Excellent stability with piezo stage as standard

Quattro ESEM

  • Ultra-versatile high-resolution FEG SEM with unique environmental capability (ESEM)
  • Observe all information from all samples with simultaneous SE and BSE imaging in every mode of operation

Prisma E SEM

  • Entry-level SEM with excellent image quality
  • Easy and quick sample loading and navigation for multiple samples
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials thanks to dedicated vacuum modes

Apreo 2 SEM

  • High-performance SEM for all-round nanometer or sub-nanometer resolution
  • In-column T1 backscatter detector for sensitive, TV-rate materials contrast
  • Excellent performance at long working distance (10 mm)

VolumeScope 2 SEM

  • Isotropic 3D data from large volumes
  • High contrast and resolution in high and low vacuum modes
  • Simple switch between normal SEM use and serial block-face imaging

Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEG-SEM

  • FEG source with 1 - 20 kV acceleration voltage range
  • <2.0 nm (SE) and 3.0 nm (BSE) resolution @ 20 kV
  • Optional fully integrated EDS and SE detector

Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM

  • For large samples (100x100 mm) and ideal for automation
  • <10 nm resolution and up to 200,000x magnification; 4.8 kV up to 20 kV acceleration voltage
  • Optional fully integrated EDS and BSE detector

Phenom ParticleX Battery Desktop SEM

  • Versatile solution for high-quality, in-house analysis
  • Automated system and analysis of multiple samples
  • Testing 10x faster

Phenom ProX G6 Desktop SEM

  • High performance desktop SEM with integrated EDS detector
  • Resolution <6 nm (SE) and <8 nm (BSE); magnification up to 350,000x
  • Optional SE detector

Phenom Pro G6 Desktop SEM

  • High performance desktop SEM
  • Resolution <6 nm (SE) and <8 nm (BSE); magnification up to 350,000x
  • Optional SE detector

Phenom Pure G6 Desktop SEM

  • Entry level desktop SEM
  • Resolution <15 nm; magnification up to 175,000x
  • Longlife CeB6 source

Phenom Perception GSR Desktop SEM

  • Dedicated automated GSR desktop SEM
  • Resolution <10 nm; magnification up to 200,000x
  • Longlife CeB6 source

Phenom ParticleX AM Desktop SEM

  • Versatile desktop SEM with automation software for Additive Manufacturing
  • Resolution <10 nm; magnification up to 200,000x
  • Optional SE detector

Phenom ParticleX TC Desktop SEM

  • Versatile desktop SEM with automation software for Technical Cleanliness
  • Resolution <10 nm; magnification up to 200,000x
  • Optional SE detector

Phenom ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM

  • SEM and EDS integrated
  • Ease of use
  • Sub-micrometer inclusions

ELITE System

  • Electrical defect localization
  • Thermal mapping
  • Advanced packaging analysis

Hyperion II System

  • Atomic Force Probing
  • Localize transistor faults
  • Integrated PicoCurrent (CAFM)

nProber IV System

  • Localize transistor and BEOL faults
  • Thermal nanoprobing (-40°C to 150°C)
  • Semi-automated operation

Meridian S System

  • Fault Diagnostic with Active Probe Technology
  • Static laser stimulation (SLS / OBIRCH) and photon emission options
  • Supports both micro-probing and probe card device stimulation

Meridian WS-DP System

  • High-sensitivity, low-noise, low-voltage photon emission detection with broadband DBX or InGaAs camera systems
  • Multi-wavelength laser scanning microscope for scan chain analysis, frequency mapping, transistor probing and isolation of faults

Meridian 7 System

  • Dynamic Optical Fault Isolation for 10nm node and below
  • High resolution visible and Infrared light
  • High-yield sample preparation to 5μm widely available

Meridian IV System

  • High sensitivity extended-wavelength DBX photon emission detection
  • Standard InGaAs photon emission detection
  • Laser Scanning Microscope with multiple wavelength options

Centrios Circuit Edit System

  • Superior image / milling resolution
  • Enhanced milling precision and control
  • Built on the Thermo Scientific Helios DualBeam platform

Centrios HX Circuit Edit System

  • Cutting-edge circuit editing for advanced semiconductor nodes with the latest FIB technology
  • Unparalleled milling precision and control with low landing energy to preserve sensitive circuits
  • Advanced navigation and ion beam placement accuracy

MK.4TE ESD and Latch-Up Test System

  • Rapid-relay-based operations—up to 2304 channels
  • Advanced device preconditioning with six separate vector drive levels
  • Fully compliant Latch-Up stimulus and device biasing

Orion3 Electrostatic Discharge Tester

  • Charged device model testing
  • Dual high resolution color cameras
  • Test densities to less than 0.4mm pitch

Celestron Test System

  • Wafer and package level TLP testing
  • High current TLP pulse generator
  • Can be interfaced with semiautomatic probers
  • Intuitive software for control and report generation

Pegasus ESD Test System

  • Testing per the latest industry standards
  • True system level ESD 150pF/330Ω network
  • 2 pin connection via wafer probes to any device


  • Micro-focus X-ray sources
  • Unique multi-technique options
  • Dual-mode ion source for monoatomic & cluster ion depth profiling


  • High resolution XPS
  • Fast, efficient, automated workflow
  • Ion source for depth profiling


  • High spectral resolution
  • Multi-technique surface analysis
  • Extensive sample preparation and expansion options

Vitrobot System

  • Fully Automated Sample vitrification
  • Blotting Device
  • Semi-Automated Grid Transfer
  • High Sample Throughput

CleanMill System

  • Broad ion beam milling and polishing
  • Wide acceleration voltage range
  • Cryogenic sample preparation
  • CleanConnect compatible

Amira Software

  • Support for multi-data/view/channel
  • Interactive high-quality visualization
  • Machine Learning-based segmentation
  • Intuitive recipe creation

Athena Software

  • Ensure traceability of images, data, metadata and experimental workflows
  • Simplify your imaging workflow
  • Improve collaboration
  • Secure and manage data access

Auto Slice & View 5 Software

  • Automated serial sectioning for DualBeam
  • Multi-modal data acquisition (SEM, EDS, EBSD)
  • On-the-fly editing capabilities

AutoScript 4 Software

  • improved reproducibility and accuracy
  • Unattended, high throughput imaging and patterning
  • Supported by Python 3.5-based scripting environment

AutoScript TEM Software

  • Provides a direct link between research needs and microscope automation
  • Enables improved reproducibility and accuracy
  • Focuses time on the microscope for higher throughput

AutoTEM 5 Software

  • Fully automated in situ S/TEM sample preparation
  • Support of top-down, planar and inverted geometry
  • Highly configurable workflow
  • Easy to use, intuitive user interface

Avizo Software

  • Support for multi-data/multi-view, multi-channel, time series, very large data
  • Advanced multi-mode 2D/3D automatic registration
  • Artifact reduction algorithms

Smart EPU Software

  • Microscope-embedded solution for single particle acquisition
  • Optimized for high-throughput particle collection, providing real-time image analysis
  • Includes components for scheduling, data acquisition, and decision algorithms

Embedded CryoSPARC Live

  • Real-time, multidimensional feedback on sample quality and instrument settings
  • Adjust imaging and processing based on real-time information
  • Fully integrated with Smart EPU Software

iFast Software

  • Macro recorder for faster recipe creating
  • Runner for unattended overnight operation
  • Alignment tools: Image recognition and edge finding

Inspect 3D Software

  • Image processing tools and filters for cross-correlation
  • Feature tracking for image alignment
  • Algebraic reconstruction technique for iterative projection comparison

Maps Software

  • Acquire high-resolution images over large areas
  • Easily find regions of interest
  • Automate image acquisition process

NEXS Software

  • Auto-syncs position/magnification between NEXS and Circuit Edit system for a more seamless user experience
  • Connects to most Thermo Scientific tools used for EFA, PFA and Circuit Edit space

Pergeos Software
Rocks and Minerals

  • Visualize, process, and analyze rock imagery data
  • Perform multi-scale imaging analysis from pore to core
  • Calculate geological and petrophysical properties

Tomography 5 Software

  • Automated multi-site batch tomography
  • Automatic cassette mapping
  • Dose symmetric tilt scheme for optimal electron dose
  • Fully integrated with Selectris Imaging Filters

Velox Software

  • An experiments panel on the left side of the processing window.
  • Live quantitative mapping
  • Interactive detector layout interface for reproducible experiment control and setup

3D Reconstruction

  • Intuitive user interface, maximum employability
  • Intuitive fully automated user interface
  • Based on 'shape from shading' technology, no stage tilt required


  • Automated tool for image acquisition, fiber detection and reporting
  • Assisted EDX analysis with fiber revisiting
  • ISO standard report on asbestos analysis

Elemental Mapping

  • Fast and reliable information on the distribution of elements within the sample or the selected line
  • Easily exported and reported results


  • Save time by automated measurements
  • Fast and automated collection of all statistical data
  • View and measure micro and nano fibers with unmatched accuracy


  • CAD-based prototyping
  • Fully automated job execution, stage navigation, milling, and deposition
  • Automated alignment and drift control


  • Integrated software for online and offline analysis
  • Correlating particle features such as diameter, circularity, aspect ratio and convexity
  • Creating image datasets with Automated Image Mapping

Phenom Programming Interface

  • Customize your SEM to fit your workflow
  • Increase efficiency and save time with automated processes
  • Control imaging settings and stage navigation


  • Correlate pore features such as area, aspect ratio, major and minor axis
  • Acquire images directly from the Desktop SEM
  • Statistical data with high-quality images


  • Automated collection of images
  • Real-time remote control
  • Standard applications included: Automated Image Mapping + Remote User Interface

Quartz PCI/CFR

  • SEM imaging traceability compliant with 21 CFR Part 11
  • Compatible with the Phenom XL and Phenom Pro desktop SEMs
  • Windows 10 64-bit operating system support


  • Ultra-fast heating solution for in situ high resolution imaging
  • Fully integrated
  • Temperatures up to 1200 °C


  • Potential to enable large number of novel, unexplored applications
  • Very low energy milling
  • Small spot size for precise local surface treatment

Selectris and Selectris X Imaging Filters

  • Designed for high stability and atomic resolution imaging
  • Straightforward operation
  • Paired with the latest generation Thermo Scientific Falcon 4 Direct Electron Detector

Ceta D Camera

  • Optimum performance at any high tension (20–300 kV)
  • Compatible with post-column filters and spectrometers
  • Movie acquisition for dynamic studies

Falcon 4i Detector

  • High thorughput for more images per hour
  • Unsurpassed imaging quality with high DQE
  • Lossless data compression with EER

Charge Reduction Sample Holder

  • Up to 8 times higher magnification
  • Faster sample preparation
  • Non conductive samples can be imaged in their natural state

Electrical Feedthrough Sample Holder

  • Connect electrical probes to the sample for in situ measurements
  • Sample can be height adjusted from 0–25 mm manually
  • Measurements of probe currents

Eucentric Sample Holder

  • Eucentric tilting and compucentric rotation on a desktop SEM
  • Fast time-to-image with sample loading < 1 minute
  • Real-time 3D sample visualization module

Filter Inserts

  • Filter residue analysis and asbestos analysis
  • Available in two models which support 47 mm (1.85 inch) and 25 mm (1 inch) filters
  • Use on Phenom Desktop SEM

Metallurgical Sample Holder

  • Designed to support resin-mounted samples
  • Preferred solution for metallurgy and when working with inserts
  • Sample size up to 32 mm diameter and 30 mm height

Micro Tool Sample Holder

  • Quick and fast clamping
  • Tilting and rotation allow for easy sample positioning
  • No extra tooling required for sample loading

Motorized Tilt & Rotation Sample Holder

  • Tilt range -10° to +45°
  • Continuous 360° compucentric rotation
  • Controlled by dedicated Motion Control ProSuite application

Nebula Particle Disperser

  • Standard method for uniform dry powder dispersion
  • Avoids particle clusters
  • Used with Phenom Desktop SEM

Resin Mount Inserts

  • A unique sample holder concept
  • Available in 3 models for supporting standard sized samples of 25 mm (~1 inch), 32 mm (~1 ¼ inch) and 40 mm (~1 ½ inch) diameter

Standard Sample Holder

  • Compact stage allowing analysis of samples of up to 100 mm x 100 mm
  • Can be extended with 3 types of resin or metallurgical mount inserts
  • Used with Phenom Desktop SEM

Sample Holder Inserts

  • Faster cross-sectional imaging of coatings and multilayer samples
  • Easy clamping without the need for screws or extra tools
  • Eliminates the need for screws and tools to clamp the sample

 Download datasheet

Tensile Sample Holder

  • Determine batch quality
  • Determine manufacturing consistencys
  • Aid the design process

Temperature Controlled Sample Holder

  • Temperature range -25 °C to +50 °C
  • Temperature accuracy ±1.5 °C
  • Temperature display resolution 0.1 °C

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Electron microscopy services for
the materials science

To ensure optimal system performance, we provide you access to a world-class network of field service experts, technical support, and certified spare parts.

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