With ViiA™ 7 Software, you can start a run with fewer than five clicks using the QuickStart feature, access optimized application protocols using the ReadiApp™ feature, and create studies directly from the software home screen. Easily interchangeable thermal cycling block formats let you select the format that’s right for your project. You can choose from standard or Fast 96- and 384-well formats, as well as the 384-well TaqMan Array block.

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Intuitive Interface and Innovative Design


User friendly: Clear icons guide you through the workflow to set up  runs and analyze experiments. The graphical interface makes it easy to edit the PCR thermal cycling conditions.

QuickStart: With the QuickStart feature, you can start a run with fewer   than five clicks.

ReadiApp™ Feature

 With the new ReadiApp™ feature, you can quickly select default protocols for standard applications. Now analysis using tools such as TaqMan Gene Expression or Genotyping assays, TaqMan Array MicroRNA cards, and TaqMan Copy Number Assays (CNV) are just a click away.

Convenient Walkaway Operation


Enjoy the freedom of operating the ViiA™ 7 System from any networked computer.

Full remote control of up to four instruments: With the ViiA™ 7 Software Instrument Console, you can review run statistics and remotely control up to four instruments or experiments in real time from your desktop computer. You can also receive email notifications to keep you informed of run and instrument status when you are not in the lab.

Status monitoring of up to 15 instruments: You can network up to 15 instruments for monitoring basic instrument status, so that you always know which instruments are in use and which are available for the next experiment.

Improved Data Analysis


The ViiA™ 7 software offers innovative approaches to analyze your data.

Easy management of large data sets: The embedded gene expression (RQ) study application is designed to analyze 100+ runs, and it can generate heat maps and scatter plots to provide quick checks on data quality.

Real-time control for genotyping cluster analysis: In genotyping experiments, you can optimize your genotyping run times using a real-time PCR progress monitor to determine the ideal cycle for cluster analysis.

Fully Compatible with High-Throughput Environments


High-throughput experiment setup: Create multiple experiment files simultaneously with the push of a single button. In addition, you can import your plate setup files from other Applied Biosystems real-time systems to facilitate easy experiment setup.

Easy, automated data export: Set up experiment templates with predefined export preferences and have the ViiA™ 7 software auto-export to the file directory you specify.

Open API: Open application program interfaces (API) allow integration with third-party systems such as LIMS (laboratory integration management systems) or custom automated platforms. The optional 21 CFR Part 11 compliance module assists with security and auditing records for full data traceability.