Quantitate Library Input for Use on the SOLiD System

The SOLiD Library TaqMan Quantitation Kit facilitates the quantitation of amplifiable template in a SOLiD library for use in emulsion PCR (ePCR) on the SOLiD System. Complete with TaqMan qPCR mix custom-designed for SOLiD library adaptors and an adapted SOLiD library control*, the kit is a highly specific solution for determining the optimal amount of starting material needed to most effectively carry out ePCR. 

* The SOLiD library control included in the kit is recommended for use only as a qPCR control, and not as a sequence control.

Compatible With a Wide Range of Applications

The SOLiD Library TaqMan Quantitation Kit is designed to quantitate libraries accurately regardless of size and can be used on any real-time instrument, using either fast or standard cycling programs. The kit has been validated for the quantitation of SOLiD fragment libraries, SOLiD short and long mate-paired libraries, SOLiD whole transcriptome libraries, SOLiD small RNA libraries,  SOLiD Chip-seq libraries, and SOLiD SAGE™ libraries.

Flexibility to Reach Your Sequencing Goals

  • The TaqMan Assay provides more specificity and accuracy in detecting properly adapted, amplifiable templates over non–probe-based quantitation methods.
  • The validated, ready-to-use qPCR standard requires only a simple serial dilution for use in qPCR. It can also be used to determine the optimal concentration of template to use in ePCR.
  • The highly robust qPCR mix can accommodate a wide range of cycling conditions and reaction volumes, and combines highly sensitive detection with a broad quantitation range (Figure 1).
  • qPCR-based methods use less material for quantitation.

Quantitation of six SOLiD libraries using the SOLiD Library TaqMan Quantitation Kit

The multicolored amplification curves represent six SOLiD Libraries quantitated by the SOLiD Library TaqMan Quantitation Kit (Cat. No. 4449639) on the Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System with fast cycling. Using a 5-point serial dilution from 100 pM to 10 fM of the SOLiD Library qPCR Standard, the SOLiD library input can accurately be measured. The gray line represents a no-template control.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.