值得信賴的合作夥伴 — 從發現到診斷



IVD 傳染性疾病和移植藥物測試、診斷儀器和品質控制

Biobanking products, services and solutions to secure and preserve your samples, track your inventory, streamline productivity, and meet your toughest laboratory challenges.

癌症基因組學、表觀遺傳學、RNA 表現、細胞分析和 Oncomine® 平台

High-quality materials, services, and support you need for every step of the journey from discovery to clinical research to commercial cell and gene therapy manufacturing.

針對醫務人員的 CLIA 實驗室檢測服務可實現精確的基於證據的治療




IVD 傳染性疾病和移植藥物測試、診斷儀器和品質控制

Moving healthcare from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more targeted approach, where decisions are informed by each individual’s unique clinical, molecular, and lifestyle information.

Targeted NGS solutions that help accelerate the move from oncology and other disease research to clinical applications in the future, linking genes to disease states, prognosis, and more effective treatments.


Accepting applications for research that use our solutions to find ways to improve health outcomes, reduce patient care costs, explore unmet surveillance, clinical, and diagnostic needs, and facilitate effective decision-making.


Portable analysis instruments, lab equipment, and kits for human identification and narcotics and trace evidence analysis.



Portable, personal analytical instruments to detect and identify hazardous materials, chemicals, explosives, and radiological threats.