High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry is a technique used for elemental analysis of solutions and solid samples via laser ablation. The superior ionization of inductively coupled plasma source is combined with a magnetic sector multicollector mass spectrometer resulting in ultimate sensitivity. 

The high mass resolution potential of a sector-field mass spectrometer can physically distinguish and separate an analyte from interferences by exploiting small differences in mass-to-charge. This means that almost all elements in the periodic table can be analyzed without the requirement for complicated reaction gases regardless of sample matrix. 

The Thermo Scientific Element HR-ICP-MS has a large dynamic range of more than 12 orders of magnitude. As such, it can be used to measure matrix elements (%), traces (ppm) and ultra-traces (ppb). There are a wide range of applications that use HR-ICP-MS from geoscience research, environmental testing, process chemicals and semiconductor applications. 

With high resolution ICP-MS you can perform accurate and reliable quantitative multi-element analyses at the trace level, with high sensitivity and without any complicated sample prep.

Element 2 HR-ICP-MS

The workhorse for semiconductor applications. The high performance, double-focusing magnetic sector field Element 2 HR-ICP-MS is optimized for ease-of-use, stability and productivity. Get access to a powerful technique for solving specific problems with excellent sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio.

Learn more about the Element 2 HR-ICP-MS ›

  Download Element 2/XR High Resolution ICP-MS brochure ›

Element XR HR-ICP-MS

The gold standard for full elemental analysis of laser ablation and solution samples. The 12 orders of magnitude linear dynamic range of the Element XR HR-ICP-MS enables analysis of any matrix element straight without further dilution, ideal for laser ablation analysis or applications with extreme isotope ratios.

Learn more about the Element XR HR-ICP-MS ›

  Download Element 2/XR High Resolution ICP-MS brochure ›

From battery through to medical research, the Element HR-ICP-MS is the instrument of choice for high precision elemental analysis. Learn more the applications of HR-ICP-MS below and dive deeper by visiting our Isotope Fingerprinting and Isotope Research pages.

Biology & Biogeochemistry
Oil & Gas

Further reading


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