Our custom DNA oligos are made to your specifications, with rigorous quality control and quick turnaround. They can be used in a variety of applications, including PCR, cloning, sequencing, and gene detection.

Standard Oligos

Pay per base
with 5′, internal, or 3′ modifications

Value Oligos


點擊下方下載 DNA Tube Excel Template,填妥後請寄到 ivtw-cs@thermofisher.com 以完成訂購


Download DNA Tube Template-JP


Download DNA Tube Template-US

Plate Oligos

One complete order with the same purification, synthesis scale, ship medium, and buffer

Plate Oligos


點擊下方下載 DNA Plate Excel Template,填妥後請寄到 ivtw-cs@thermofisher.com 以完成訂購

Download DNA Plate Template

如有任何問題,請致電 (02) 2358 2838 x1 或Email至 ivtw-cs@thermofisher.com,洽詢客戶服務部門。

如有任何問題,請致電 (02) 2358 2838 x1 或Email至 ivtw-cs@thermofisher.com,洽詢客戶服務部門。