Expanded experimental capabilities to meet the most challenging biomarker verification

The Thermo Scientific Stellar Mass Spectrometer offers an array of data acquisition capabilities to deliver robust and reproducible quantitation for a wide range of analytes across an extended dynamic range.

System highlights

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Improve ionization efficiency for more compounds at higher LC flow rates 

For a wider range of compounds separated using liquid chromatography operated at analytical flow rates, the Stellar Mass Spectrometer comes equipped with the Thermo Scientific OptaMax Plus Ion Source, which can deliver higher vaporizer temperatures to improve desolvation and ionization potentials.

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Spend less time on instrument set-up and focus on the science

Trigger on-demand or scheduled system calibrations remotely and without disruption to your LC-MS system with the integrated Auto-Ready ion source.

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Improve ion utilization by extending the capabilities of the new collision cell

The ion concentrating routing multipole (ICRM) is a curved collision cell performing both beam-type fragmentation (HCD) and precursor/product ion accumulation capabilities as controlled by dynamic automatic gain control (AGC) with synchronized ion packet release to the high-pressure linear ion trap for downstream manipulation or detection.

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Efficiently manage ion populations for fast and sensitive analysis

The hyper-fast dual-pressure linear ion trap mass analyzer expands analytical capabilities while maximizing fast, high-quality data acquisition.


The differential neutral pressures maintained in the high- and low-pressure linear ion traps prepares ions for higher-order manipulation or fast and sensitive ion ejection at scan rates up to 220 kDa/S, but typically operates at 125 kDa/S for robust data acquisition.

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Extended analytical capabilities to increase laboratory productivity

The high-pressure linear ion trap maximizes ion packet manipulation enabling multi-notch RF excitation for dissociation or ejection for SIM, higher order MSn, SPS MS3, or data-independent acquisition (DIA) to address the most challenging quantitative experiments. 

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Leverage single ion detection sensitivity to address the most challenging quantitation demands

Efficient and sensitive ion detection drives improved quantitative performance at scale. The dual conversion dynode configuration coupled to the photomultiplier tube detects ca. 84% of trapped ions for single ion sensitivity.

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Automated intelligence manages tMSn acquisition

Streamline tMSn method creation and data acquisition management. PRM Conductor software effectively and efficiently creates robust targeted quantitative methods and manages reproducible data acquisition and processing.

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Maximize data completeness with the Adaptive RT routine

Eliminate the cost and time of optimizing RT kits to the study samples to boost timed/scheduled data acquisition performance using the Adaptive RT routine.


The method leverages a novel real-time mapping routine to dynamically adjust timed/scheduled data acquisition windows at narrower time intervals to eliminate missing values that compromise data quality. 

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Industry-leading polarity switching speeds increase laboratory productivity

Reduce the time, cost, and challenges associated with creating and implementing highly multiplexed quantitative metabolite analysis. Fast polarity switching speeds enable comprehensive compound interrogation in +ESI and -ESI at all MSn levels on an LC timescale.

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Environmentally friendly dry pumps decrease energy usage and maintenance

Changing from two oil-based fore pumps to a single dry pump reduces heat output by 22% and decreases maintenance.


The use of a single dry pump also eliminates oil vapors and the need for oil checks and changes.

Stellar MS: Discovery to validation at unprecedented scale