Scanning electron microscopes for biological research

Thermo Scientific scanning electron microscopes (SEM) are designed to address a broad range of biological inquiries by revealing the ultrastructure of samples in both 2D and 3D. These microscopes have the capability to image 3D volumes with pixel sizes as small as a few nanometers, offering a high level of detail. Additionally, they feature a high degree of automation and imaging throughput, allowing for efficient data acquisition and analysis.

Scanning electron microscopes for the life sciences

Axia ChemiSEM

Always ready to image and with live quantitative chemical mapping

  • Live quantitative elemental mapping
  • High-fidelity scanning electron microscopy imaging
  • Flexible and easy to use, even for novice users
  • Easy maintenance
Composite material for dental filling applications. Understanding the dispersion of the different components within the matrix is key for the usability of the material.

Prisma ESEM

Flexible and easy to use SEM

  • Entry-level SEM with excellent image quality
  • Easy and quick sample loading and navigation for multiple samples
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials thanks to dedicated vacuum modes
A fresh sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) imaged in ESEM mode. Dedicated detectors enable high resolution, high contrast, and low noise imaging in ESEM mode.

Quattro ESEM

Environmental SEM images hydrated specimens in their native state

  • Ultra-versatile high-resolution FEG SEM with unique environmental capability (ESEM)
  • Simultaneous SE and BSE imaging in every mode of operation
Butterfly wing imaged in a Quattro SEM under low acceleration voltage and low vacuum (80 Pa). Surface details are revealed at low acceleration voltage. Low energy electrons probe top surface rather than penetrating deeper within sample.

Apreo 2 SEM

Ideal for 2D and volume imaging with charge-free, high-resolution, and enhanced-contrast imaging

  • Versatile, high-performance SEM for nanometer or sub-nanometer resolution imaging
  • In-column T1 backscatter detector for sensitive contrast
  • Simple switching between normal SEM use and serial block-face imaging
Resin-embedded, heavy-metal-stained neuronal tissue images in high vacuum. Left image shows a low-magnification overview. Images on the right represent high magnification, showing contrast differences resulting from backscattered electrons.

Volumescope 2 SEM

State-of-the-art serial block-face imaging system

  • Isotropic 3D data from large volumes
  • High contrast and resolution in high and low vacuum modes
  • Simple switch between normal SEM use and serial block-face imaging
Volume reconstruction of a rat brain sample. Data acquired by physical slicing in LoVac mode (50 Pa) to suppress charging. Representation of complete dataset and processed sub-volume of 36 x 37 x 38 µm3 to show selected objects.

Verios 5 SEM

Optimal contrast and resolution for low-dose imaging of sensitive specimens

  • Monochromated SEM for sub-nanometer resolution over the full energy range (1–30 keV)
  • Easy access to beam landing energies as low as 20 eV
  • Excellent stability with piezo stage as standard
Mouse brain imaged on a Verios 5 SEM at 1.5keV.

Scanning electron microscopy software for the life sciences

Maps 3 Software

Thermo Scientific Maps Software is an imaging and correlative workflow (CLEM) software suite compatible with the full line of light microscopy and Thermo Scientific SEM, DualBeam (FIB SEM) and TEM platforms.

Maps Software for Array Tomography

Maps Software for Thermo Scientific scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) with the Array Tomography module greatly reduces the time and effort needed to record nanometer-resolution data sets from plastic-embedded cell and tissue sections.

Amira Software for SEM

Thermo Scientific Amira Software for scanning electron microscopes provides high-definition imaging and comprehensive data analysis. Amira Software is your key to unlocking the full potential of your research.

Resources on scanning electron microscopes for the life sciences

Scanning electron microscope brochures

Scanning electron microscopy for life sciences

Volume electron microscopy

Electron microscopy facilities

Electron microscopy facilities

Our electron microscopy facilities, NanoPorts, are located worldwide, offering demonstration, testing, and training of our latest electron microscopy technology.