Prof. Dr. Albert J.R. Heck, Professor of Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
Prof. Dr. Albert J.R. Heck, Professor of Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics, is an analytic chemist specialized in the characterization of proteins with the aid of Mass Spectrometry. His group has developed innovative methods to sequence, quantify and determine the functions of proteins in cells and our human bodies. His team utilizes mass spectrometry to enable the characterization of molecules that are present in cells and allows thereby the identification and characterization of proteins and other biomolecules that work together and are involved in cellular processes and in disease. His lab at the Utrecht University houses an excellent array of state-of-the-art mass spectrometers, combined with extensive protein and peptide separation methods. His team has world-renown expertise in the analysis of protein-ligand, protein-protein and protein-DNA analysis by mass spectrometry. Professor Heck has received numerous international distinctions for his work in biochemistry and mass spectrometry.