
Two days of inspiring presentations on innovations in the forensic workflow

Programme topics included:

Pre-event, May 9th 2016

14:30–17:30Forensic Toxicology Workshop
14:30Welcome to ‘Everything leaves a trace’ the forensic toxicology workshop about mass spectrometry changing forensic drug analysis
Martin Hornshaw—Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany
15:00Mass spectrometry just might be the most powerful analytical technique ever invented
Martin Hornshaw—Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany
15:30–16:00Coffee break
16:00Putting a forensic eye on mass spectrometry
Claudio de Nardi—Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany
16:30We know what they are taking even if they don't!—Intelligence led approach to testing for NPS
Simon Hudson—LGC, UK
17:00–17:30Cocktail and networking session

Day 1, May 10th 2016

8:00–9:30Registration and coffee
9:30–10:30Welcome and introductions
09:30Conference welcome
Mark Smedley—Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK
09:40Thermo Fisher Scientific vision on DNA forensics
Rosy Lee—Thermo Fisher Scientific, US
10:00The evolution of forensic DNA databasing policy - Success, addressing unmet potential, and the path to the future
Tim Schellberg—Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs, US
10:30–11:00Coffee break, posters and start of exhibition activities
11:00–19:30Main session
Applications of next-generation sequencing in forensics
11:00–13:00NGS applications: Identification
11:00Alignment and annotation of forensic STR data generated from MPS analysis: Notes from the sequence workbench
Chris Phillips—University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
11:30NGS-based full resolution STR genotyping of the Chinese Han population and casework samples
Le Wang—Institute of Forensic Science, China
12:00Performance and data interpretation of the NGS EA 24plex STR and mtDNA using NIST SRM DNA
Rodrigo Neto—Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
12:30Massively parallel sequencing in forensic genetics
Niels Morling—DFI, Denmark
13:00–14:30Lunch, seminars, posters and exhibition presentations
13:30Lunch break seminar
Introducing the Ion S5™ and Ion Chef™ HID system, NGS workflow solutions for human identification
14:30–18:30Applications of next-generation sequencing in forensics (continued)
14:30–16:30NGS applications: Lineage
14:30Forensic applications using the Applied Biosystems™ Precision ID mtDNA whole genome panel and massively parallel sequencing
Bruce Budowle—University of North Texas , US
15:00Microhaplotype sequencing for mixture deconvolution
Daniele Podini—GWU, US
15:30Analysis of the Applied Biosystems™ Ion Precision ID NGS Ancestry Panel
Runa Daniel—Victoria Police, Australia
16:00Advances in forensic mitochondrial DNA massively parallel sequencing
Walther Parson—Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria
16:30–17:00Tea break, seminars, posters and exhibition activities
17:00–18:30NGS applications: Intelligence
17:00Evaluation of the Ion S5™ NGS System for targeted sequencing of DNA and RNA markers for human identity and body fluid identification
Jack Ballantyne—National Center for Forensic Science, US
17:30Considerations for the validation of massively parallel sequencing for forensic casework
SallyAnn Harbison—Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), New Zealand
18:00Concordance of DNA profiles defined using capillary electrophoresis and the Ion S5™ instrument
William Frank—Illinois Police, US
18:30From Genetics to Genomics - European perspectives for an integrated approach to the use of genetic evidence in criminal investigations
Peter Schneider—University of Cologne, Germany
19:00–19:30Posters and exhibition presentations
19:30–20:30Evening reception

Day 2, May 11th 2016

9:00–11:00Applications of next-generation sequencing in forensics (continued)
 NGS applications: Intelligence
9:00Evaluation of NGS technology for identification, ancestry and phenotypic characters with the Ion PGM™ system
Franck Jaffredo—IGNA (Nantes Atlantic Genetic Institute), France
09:30DNA investigative intelligence and its need of massively parallel sequencing
Manfred Kayser—Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands
10:00Head hair features are distinctive and their prediction from DNA can be useful for forensic intelligence
Wojciech Branicki—Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
10:30Exploring of microRNA markers for body fluid identification using NGS
Zheng Wang—West China University of Medical Sciences, China
11:00–11.30Coffee break, posters and exhibition presentations
11:30–17:00Advances on routine workflow for forensics
11:30–13:00Forensic DNA Databases
11:30High-quality manufacturing of forensics kits and ISO 18385 proposed guidelines
Colin McEnaney—Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK
12:00Here they come: the inevitable development of civil DNA databases
Tim Schellberg—Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs, US
12:30Using the Applied Biosystems™ Globalfiler™ kits in the investigation of cold cases in Scotland
Fiona Douglas—SPA (Scottish Police Authority), UK
13:00–14:30Lunch, posters and exhibition presentations
13:30Lunch break seminar
Innovative Applied Biosystems™ STR kits
14:30–16:00Y chromosome biomarkers as essential tool in sexual assault investigations
14:30Validation, implementation and considerations for the use of Applied Biosystems™ Quantifiler™ Trio and Yfiler™ Plus kits
Adam Poy—Victoria Police, Australia
15:00Why and when Y-chromosomal analysis. Some experiences
Franz Neuhuber—University of Salzburg, Austria
15:30Forensic innovations in quantitative and qualitative assessment of human DNA: Streamlining STR & Y-STR profiling workflow
Antonio Alonso—Instituto Nacional de Toxicologia, Spain
16:00–16:30Tea break, posters and exhibition presentations
16:30–18:30Innovative solutions on CE technology
16:30The French gendarmerie's forensics mobile labs and innovative rapid DNA device for crime scene and DVI
Francis Hermitte—Chef d’Escadron, Gendarmerie Française
17:00Digital resolution of biological mixtures by separation of 100% pure cells
Francesca Fontana—Silicon Biosystems, Bologna Italy
17:30Bones, bodies and bombs; it’s all about HID
Sheree Hughes-Stamm—SAM Houston, US
18:30Closing remarks
18:45–19:00Departure, return of feedback forms, certificates of attendance will be available for collection


Unless stated otherwise on the individual product labelling, products referenced are For Research, Forensic or Paternity Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.