Materials analysis

Push your materials past their limits

From polymers and battery components to metals and biomaterials this site is designed to be your resource no matter what material you’re trying to analyze or improve. Understand the structure, know the properties, and then explore ways to process it until you have a material that performs the way you want. The right instruments can help take your materials to the next level and discover the products of tomorrow.

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Materials science analyzers

Nanotechnology focuses on smaller and smaller structures to develop next generation products. It crosses many industries and has proven to be a promising source of many new and advanced materials.

Researchers are engineering new polymers with novel properties (strength, lightweight, heat resistance, protection, and bioinertia) that enable new products or replace; traditional materials.

Metal permeates nearly every aspect of modern life. This makes metal and metal alloys an important focus for material scientists – if the material can be improved upon, the implications for daily living can be immense.

Biomaterials have been around for over 50 years, but there's never been more interest in them than today. Applications continue to abound in the medical and dental arenas, but may stray even as far as the aquaculture of pearls.

Information technology has become a way of life. Adapting electronics, photonics and magnetic materials to store more information and deliver it faster can directly impact our daily lives in a significant way.

Finding new ways to provide cleaner energy and pack more power into smaller energy sources, such as batteries and solar cells, is driving the quest to advance today’s portable and renewable energy sources.

Ceramics and glass research has paved the way for products used everyday, from cooktops to fiber optics to cement. Scientists continue to discover new ways of processing these materials to drive modern advances in daily living.

Combining materials such as metals, polymers, and glass into a composite product is a fundamental field of investigation in material science research. Discoveries lead to new products that can change our lives.

See how our solutions meet standards and regulations in petrochemical analysis – from exploration, production, and refining to petrochemical additives, lubricants and catalysts.

Multi-modal techniques allow the user to see how changes in one material quality affect other material qualities, thereby eliminating the guesswork that comes from sequential measurements.

Additive manufacturing is increasingly popular for prototypes, small batches and complex parts/products. Developing new and better printing materials and enhancing end product quality are key activities for expanding success.

Many manufacturing materials come from earthly sources, often extracted as ore from the ground. Characterization of geological samples and minerals is essential for geologists, the mining industry, and companies using materials from mineral deposits.

Innovative materials play essential roles in clean energy, transportation, human health, and industrial productivity. Our expertise helps refine materials imaging, analysis, and characterization.

Thermo Scientific Avizo Software for visualizing and understanding materials science data from any imaging modalities.

Materials Analysis Compendium

Get 89 pages of application notes covering a variety of techniques to help you analyze new materials, identify product defects, measure contaminants and more:

  • FTIR spectroscopy and IR microscopy
  • Raman microscopy and imaging
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
  • Rheology and Raman spectroscopy
  • Near Infrared and Hot Melt Extrusion (HME)

Forensics, Art restoration, Polymer chemistry, Drug delivery, etc.,

Download Compendium

FTIR spectrometers for quality control
Materials analysis resources
Materials analysis support and service

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.