Learn about the different fluorescent labels, how they can be applied, and how they can be used to give you information about cell structure and function.

Understand the pros and cons of using fluorescent proteins (FPs) for cell imaging and get basic guidance on how to select and deploy FPs in your experiment.

Healthy mitochondria exhibit a difference in electrical potential across the lipid bilayer that surrounds them, and some fluorescent dyes will accumulate inside mitochondria as long as this potential difference is maintained.

Actin is one of the most abundant proteins found in cells, and actin filaments can be readily labeled using fluorescent forms of a naturally occurring protein called phalloidin.

Labeling the nucleus typically relies on some type of dye that binds nucleic acids, and depending on how much distinction you need between DNA and RNA and whether or not the cells you’re labeling are live or fixed, your choice of stains will vary.

Immunofluorescence explained—see the pros and cons for direct vs. indirect detection methods, and get tips for choosing a primary antibody.

Learn about water-based and solvent-based mounting media and why you would use mounting media during imaging of your fixed samples.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.