LCM Caps

Specially designed for research use with the Applied Biosystems™ Arcturus™ Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) instruments, the Applied Biosystems™ CapSure™ HS LCM Caps, CapSure™ Macro LCM Caps, and CapSure™ LCM MicroCaps enable the precise and rapid extraction of pure populations of cells from heterogeneous sample preparations. CapSure LCM Caps may be used to isolate individual cells or thousands of cells on a single cap.

Key Features

  • Gentle application—nondamaging microdissection preserves the integrity of the captured material
  • Versatile extraction—capture both large and small amounts of cells

Ensure the integrity of microdissected cells for downstream molecular analysis

All CapSure LCM Caps have a transfer film bonded to the lower cap surface. During use of the Arcturus™ Microdissection System, an infrared laser pulses through the top of the cap during LCM and interacts with the transfer film, which then melts and bonds to the cells or regions of interest. The film, rather than the tissue or cell sample, absorbs the laser radiation, resulting in gentle, nondamaging microdissection that preserves the integrity of the captured material.

Ensure flexibility and sensitivity with the optimized design of CapSure LCM MicroCaps

The CapSure LCM MicroCaps feature an improved design optimized for microgenomics analysis starting from a single cell or small populations of rare cells, up to larger numbers of cells. CapSure LCM MicroCaps are designed to fit 0.2 mL and 0.5 mL PCR tubes, enabling users to work with small sample volumes for processing of RNA, DNA, and protein. Sample custody of highly specific LCM-captured material is maintained in a single tube from sample collection through molecular analysis. An incubation block designed specifically for the cap and 0.2 mL PCR tube assembly accommodates incubation at ≥45°C for ≥3 hours for cell lysis. These incubation conditions help to minimize potential buffer and pH changes in the reaction tube due to condensation. In addition, optimized workflows provided with CapSure LCM MicroCaps offer shorter turnaround times compared to existing Arcturus RNA and DNA extraction and purification workflows.

Extract large amounts of cells with CapSure Macro LCM Caps

CapSure Macro LCM Caps provide the maximum area for capturing several thousand cells on a single cap. This is particularly useful for downstream applications that require large numbers of cells to obtain enough material for analysis, such as some protein analysis techniques. CapSure Macro LCM Caps fit directly onto 0.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes for extraction of biological molecules from captured cells.

Extract small numbers of cells with high-sensitivity CapSure HS LCM Caps

CapSure HS LCM Caps enable the highly sensitive extraction and detection of biological molecules from small numbers of cells. CapSure HS LCM Caps contain ridges at the bottom that keep the active capture area of the cap 12 µm off the surface of the sample. This separation ensures the precise capture of up to several hundred cells. In addition, CapSure LCM Caps work with ExtracSure™ devices, which minimize dilution of biological molecules extracted from captured cells. This optimizes recovery of these molecules for downstream molecular analysis.