The Fusion Software Developer's Kit contains tools to parse data files generated by the GeneChip™ Command Console (project name "Calvin"), Expression Console, Genotyping Console, DMET Console™, and Chromosome Analysis Suite™ software as well as the MAS/GCOS system. The Fusion SDK provides a layer of abstraction to parse these files without having to understand which version of software created them. Also contained in the Fusion SDK is C++ and Java source code for writing CHP and Command Console Array files.

Full SDK—release 1.1.2, July 2011 (73.7 MB, ZIP)

This ZIP file contains the C++ and Java source code, interface documentation, sample programs, file format documentation, array file DTD and utility applications for viewing the contents of a Command Console binary file.

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Full SDK—release 1.1.1, March 2011 (74.1 MB, ZIP)

This ZIP file contains the C++ and Java source code, interface documentation, sample programs, file format documentation, array file DTD and utility applications for viewing the contents of a Command Console binary file.

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File formats documentation - July 2011 (77 KB, ZIP)

This documentation describes the format of the Affymetrix data files, including the new Command Console binary and XML formats. This is also included in the Full SDK release 1.1.2 above.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.