To ensure optimal performance of the thermal cycler or Sequence Detection System, it is strongly recommended that the thermal cycler is calibrated regularly. Calibration varies by instrument.

The different types of calibration are

ROI calibration

The ROI calibration allows the SDS software to map the position of the wells on the sample block so that, during instrument operation, the software can associate increases in fluorescence with specific wells of the reaction plates.

Background calibration

The background calibration measures the ambient fluorescence that is generated from background electrical signals, samples blocks, water inside consumables, and from the consumables themselves. This calibration enables the SDS software to eliminate background signal from the fluorescent samples, thus increasing the instrument’s precision.

Pure dye spectra calibration

The pure dye spectra calibration enables the instrument to distinguish the fluorescent dyes being used in the system. The SDS software uses the spectral data from a set of pure dye standards to process the raw spectral data it receives after each run.

Instrument verification run

The test verifies that the instrument can generate a standard curve and its ability to calculate the quantities of two unknowns. This test requires an RNAse P Verification Plate that contains pre-loaded reagents that create a standard curve with known copy numbers and two unknowns (also with known copy numbers).

Instrument calibration intervals

Calibration TypeInstrumentInterval
ROI (Spatial)7300/7500/7500 Fast Real-time PCR Systems StepOne™ / StepOnePlus™ SystemsEvery 6 monthsorAs needed to verify the instrument’s performance
Background7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System 7300/7500/7500 Fast Real-time PCR SystemsEvery monthorBefore performing a pure dye calibration orWhen installing an uncalibrated block
Pure dye spectra7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System 7300/7500/7500 Fast Real-time PCR SystemsEvery 6 months orWhen installing an uncalibrated block
Instrument verification7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System 7300/7500/7500 Fast Real-time PCR SystemsEvery 6 months orAs needed to verify the instrument’s performance

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.