U-2 OS cells were transduced with Premo™ Autophagy sensor LC3B-RFP (red) and CellLight® Tubulin-GFP (green)

U-2 OS cells were transduced with Premo™ Autophagy sensor LC3B-RFP (red) and CellLight® Tubulin-GFP (green) and cultured overnight. The following day cells were treated with 60uM Chloroquine and cultured overnight. Cells were then counterstained with 1ug/mL Hoeschst 33342 (blue) and imaged on a Delta Vision wide field microscope.

U-2 OS cells were transduced with Premo™ Autophagy sensor LC3B-RFP (red) and CellLight® Tubulin-GFP (green) and cultured overnight. The following day cells were treated with 60uM Chloroquine and cultured overnight. Cells were then counterstained with 1ug/mL Hoeschst 33342 (blue) and imaged on a Delta Vision wide field microscope.

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