African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) embryo stained with Vybrant® Cell Lineage Tracing Kit.

Embryos at the 8-cell stage were injected with anionic, lysine-fixable Cascade Blue® 10,000 MW dextran in one dorsal-animal blastomere and allowed to develop to various stages before being fixed. The Cascade Blue® dye, which serves as an antigen in this technique, was detected with an antibody to the Cascade Blue® dye and subsequently visualized with a secondary antibody conjugated to the Alexa Fluor® 546 dye (Cat. No. A11010). This photographic image was taken using a bandpass filter set appropriate for rhodamine. The image was contributed by Paul Wilson, Cornell University Medical College, New York, and Greg Cox, Molecular Probes, Inc.

Embryos at the 8-cell stage were injected with anionic, lysine-fixable Cascade Blue® 10,000 MW dextran in one dorsal-animal blastomere and allowed to develop to various stages before being fixed. The Cascade Blue® dye, which serves as an antigen in this technique, was detected with an antibody to the Cascade Blue® dye and subsequently visualized with a secondary antibody conjugated to the Alexa Fluor® 546 dye (Cat. No. A11010). This photographic image was taken using a bandpass filter set appropriate for rhodamine. The image was contributed by Paul Wilson, Cornell University Medical College, New York, and Greg Cox, Molecular Probes, Inc.

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