Development of the leech central nervous system into segments characterized with a 10,000 MW fluorescein dextran.

Development of the leech central nervous system into segments was characterized with the cell lineage tracer lysine-fixable 10,000 MW fluorescein dextran (fluoro-emerald, Cat. no. D1820). Fluoro-emerald was injected into a neuroectodermal cell of a leech embryo. The teloblast eventually differentiated into five segmentally iterated ganglia labeled with fluoro-emerald (pseudocolored blue in this image). Associated muscle fibers were identified with a Lan 3-14 monoclonal antibody and visualized with a Cy3 antibody (pseudocolored red). Nuclei were counterstained with TOTO®-3 dye (Cat. no. T3604, pseudocolored green). Image reprinted from the cover of Development 127 (4) (2000), used with the permission of The Company of Biologists Ltd.

Development of the leech central nervous system into segments was characterized with the cell lineage tracer lysine-fixable 10,000 MW fluorescein dextran (fluoro-emerald, Cat. no. D1820). Fluoro-emerald was injected into a neuroectodermal cell of a leech embryo. The teloblast eventually differentiated into five segmentally iterated ganglia labeled with fluoro-emerald (pseudocolored blue in this image). Associated muscle fibers were identified with a Lan 3-14 monoclonal antibody and visualized with a Cy3 antibody (pseudocolored red). Nuclei were counterstained with TOTO®-3 dye (Cat. no. T3604, pseudocolored green). Image reprinted from the cover of Development 127 (4) (2000), used with the permission of The Company of Biologists Ltd.

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