Images of an NIH 3T3 cell showing colocalization of the CoroNa™ Red sodium indicator with MitoTracker® Green FM.

Images of an NIH 3T3 cell showing colocalization of the CoroNa™ Red sodium indicator (left panel; Cat. no. C24430, C24431) with the MitoTracker® Green FM mitochondrial marker (right panel, M7514). A cell loaded with both dyes was imaged consecutively using Omega Optical bandpass filter set XF41 for CoroNa™ Red sodium indicator and set XF23 for MitoTracker® Green FM.

Images of an NIH 3T3 cell showing colocalization of the CoroNa™ Red sodium indicator (left panel; Cat. no. C24430, C24431) with the MitoTracker® Green FM mitochondrial marker (right panel, M7514). A cell loaded with both dyes was imaged consecutively using Omega Optical bandpass filter set XF41 for CoroNa™ Red sodium indicator and set XF23 for MitoTracker® Green FM.

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