
Probably the first pure metal known to man, gold has been highly valued from earliest times. It is a yellow, malleable, ductile, and soft metal, often alloyed to give it more strength. Gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity and is resistant to oxidation and most reagents. Extremely reflective, it is an excellent reflector particularly of infrared light. The freezing point of gold serves as a calibration point for the International Temperature Scales.

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As part of our extensive range of gold alloys, compounds, and pure gold, we offer a high-purity line of products. The minimum purity for pure elements of our PremIon line of products, named for high purity precious metal compounds and pure elements, is 99.99% (metals basis). PremIon pure elements include platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, osmium, and silver. We also offer a line of Specpure gold standards and gold nanoparticles and nanorods in a variety of sizes.

Key features:

  • Large selection of gold compounds can be manufactured up to a purity of 99.999%
  • Most other gold products are manufactured to 99.9% purity as standard
  • A batch-specific Certificate of Analysis is produced for each product
  • Each gold product batch has full metallic impurities typically measured by ICP-MS to ppm, and measured gold content
  • Specialized gold compounds outside our catalog range can be manufactured on request

In addition to our broad range of catalog products, our specialized gold compounds are available in bulk quantities—produced in large batches and packing sizes suited to your custom or bulk requirements.

Facts about gold

  • Earthquakes turn water into gold. Gold is formed when an earthquake widens a fluid-filled rock fracture, causing a drop in pressure, which allows gold dissolved in the fluid to rapidly leach out.
  • 300 times more gold is recoverable from a ton of smartphones than from a ton of gold ore.
  • Gold is the only metal that is yellow in color. Other metals may develop a yellowish color, but only after they have oxidized or reacted with other chemicals.
  • Gold is extremely malleable and ductile. A single ounce of gold (about the size of a quarter) can be beaten into a thin sheet covering 100 square feet or drawn out into 50 miles of gold wire.
  • Because gold is a very good heat reflector, some racing car engines contain 16 grams of gold in their engine bays.
Gold foil

Pure gold forms

Gold wire

Gold foil

Gold shot

Gold rod

Gold powder

Gold compounds

Gold alloys

Due to their intrinsic characteristics, precious metals have generated great interest in research laboratories worldwide to explore their potential applications in different fields. Some examples of applications are listed below. Thermo Fisher Scientific can provide a broad range of high-purity metals and materials for your R&D studies.

Drug research

Gold nanoparticles are being used in the development of a new generation of biologically active compounds when added to plastics, coatings, nanofibers, and textiles. Nanoparticles cross-linked with collagen are used in research on aging and damaged skin.


Gold nanoparticle applications include diagnosis of cancer, heart diseases, and infections, and medical procedures and treatment. The Thermo Scientific portfolio contains a range of gold nanoparticles which are biotin-, carboxy-, or amine-functionalized that can support you in your research on delivery carriers.

Medical devices

A small amount of gold is used in surgical instruments, electronic equipment, and life support devices due to its malleability and good conduction of electricity. The Thermo Scientific portfolio includes gold foils and gold wires which can support your research in this field.


Gold in an elemental form is used in the mounting of microprocessors, in memory chips, as connectors used to attach cables, as well as in GPS systems, calculators, and fuel cell applications. Gold nanoparticles are being explored for use as sensory probes, electronic conductors, and organic photovoltaics.


Supported gold catalysts are used in a wide range of chemical reactions, including carbon monoxide oxidation, catalytic combustion of hydrocarbons, hydrochlorination of ethyne, hydrogen peroxide formation, oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid, oxidative decomposition of dioxins, ozone decomposition, NOx reduction, epoxidation of olefins, and hydrogenation of alkynes. Gold alloy catalysts are used in the commercial production of vinyl acetate monomer (VAM).


Pure gold in one or the other form is used in space vehicle circuitry, as a lubricant between vehicle parts, and as a radiation reflector for stabilizing the temperature inside the space vehicle.

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Pure gold forms

Gold wire

Gold foil

Gold shot

Gold rod

Gold powder

Gold compounds

Gold alloys

Due to their intrinsic characteristics, precious metals have generated great interest in research laboratories worldwide to explore their potential applications in different fields. Some examples of applications are listed below. Thermo Fisher Scientific can provide a broad range of high-purity metals and materials for your R&D studies.

Drug research

Gold nanoparticles are being used in the development of a new generation of biologically active compounds when added to plastics, coatings, nanofibers, and textiles. Nanoparticles cross-linked with collagen are used in research on aging and damaged skin.


Gold nanoparticle applications include diagnosis of cancer, heart diseases, and infections, and medical procedures and treatment. The Thermo Scientific portfolio contains a range of gold nanoparticles which are biotin-, carboxy-, or amine-functionalized that can support you in your research on delivery carriers.

Medical devices

A small amount of gold is used in surgical instruments, electronic equipment, and life support devices due to its malleability and good conduction of electricity. The Thermo Scientific portfolio includes gold foils and gold wires which can support your research in this field.


Gold in an elemental form is used in the mounting of microprocessors, in memory chips, as connectors used to attach cables, as well as in GPS systems, calculators, and fuel cell applications. Gold nanoparticles are being explored for use as sensory probes, electronic conductors, and organic photovoltaics.


Supported gold catalysts are used in a wide range of chemical reactions, including carbon monoxide oxidation, catalytic combustion of hydrocarbons, hydrochlorination of ethyne, hydrogen peroxide formation, oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid, oxidative decomposition of dioxins, ozone decomposition, NOx reduction, epoxidation of olefins, and hydrogenation of alkynes. Gold alloy catalysts are used in the commercial production of vinyl acetate monomer (VAM).


Pure gold in one or the other form is used in space vehicle circuitry, as a lubricant between vehicle parts, and as a radiation reflector for stabilizing the temperature inside the space vehicle.

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