Named reactions in organic synthesis

Today, named chemical reactions play a crucial role in organic chemistry, which continues to grow in its ability to construct ever more complex and diverse chemical molecules.

The first named reaction in organic synthesis, the Lieben Haloform Reaction, had its origin in 1822 when Serullas found that iodine crystals dissolved in a mixture of alkali and ethanol yielded a yellow precipitate which he called "hydroiodide of carbon", known today as iodoform (CHI3).

To this day, many new chemical reactions are being reported and named after their discoverers in recognition of their valuable contribution to synthetic organic chemistry.

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Named Reactions in Organic Chemistry

Visit our reaction category pages for details on the history, applications, and mechanisms of key named reactions.

Other reaction categories include: carbocycle formation, cyclo-aromatization, degradation, elimination reactions, fragmentation reactions, and reactions involving carbenes.

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